What would you say is your biggest flaw? Mentally or Physically, or both, what do you think that would be?

  1. Despite having dated, and having had LTRs, so I have real-world evidence to the contrary, I still don’t think I’ve made myself good enough to be worthy of a healthy relationship from a good woman.

    It also doesn’t help that I’m now 4/4 of ex girlfriends marrying the next man they date after me. And not just in a ‘4 of my exes’ way. The LITERAL last 4 exes in a row I’ve had have all gotten married to the man they next dated.

  2. Physically: I could eat less and exercise more.

    Mentally: I get hung up about the past a lot and am prone to envy, which can turn me into a bitter person when the bad times roll.

  3. Narcissism, dishonesty, neuroticism, definitely for into those 3 classes of sociopathy, and am diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.

    I am also obese, flat-footed, and near-sighted.

    I find comfort that in the coming water wars, nuclear apocalypse or global climate catastrophe that I’ll be dead before the survivors grace the next generations of people with my current Thousand Yard Stare.

  4. Physically : I’m fat. I mean like I’m not horribly fat, but I am probably like 40 or 50lbs overweight. I got a big frame so thank god it’s hidden relatively well. Working on it, but it’s there, and once I lose the weight I’ll probably have some loose skin.

    Mentally : I admittedly have a difficult time viewing myself from an outside perspective to figure out what behaviours I have that I need to work on, so I need outside help at times to let me know if I’m doing anything wrong / shittily / whatever. I’m very focused on self improvement, and this is something that I definitely ask about it enough that it may get a little annoying to people.

  5. Mentally-I hold grudges and have a hard time letting things go

    Physically-I have no ass.

  6. Physically: autoimmune disorder and meds for it make me more susceptible to illness and infection and take longer to recover.

    Mentally: major depression that leads to self doubt and isolationism.

  7. I can be quite rigid and uncompromising. I’m also a little bit overweight, however I’m already working on that. I was 230 lbs a few months ago. Now I’m at 183.

  8. **My biggest physical flaw:** Extremely low appetite and having force food down to avoid losing weight

    **My biggest mental flaw:** Being bipolar

  9. Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don’t know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I’ll hit somebody with my car. So sue me… No, don’t sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I’m trying to make.

  10. I’m simple minded

    Physically I thinks it’s that I’m a Ginger, but hot Latin partner liked that I’m ginger so it worked out

  11. Mentally, if I can get past that then I’d be more willing to take care of the physical part. It’s hard though because many see my negative mindset as a good thing.

  12. Physically: I think I could probably eat better and exercise. I’m not out of shape by any means, but I would just like to see a little bit of discipline on my behalf. I’ve always struggled with eating enough/gaining weight, but it doesn’t help that when I do eat, it’s usually something fast and pre-made that I can eat quickly because I don’t have time to cook and clean.

    Mentally: God damn I need to be more confident in myself. I’ve made considerable progress this year in being more sure of myself, but there’s still room to grow. Like, I don’t see why I wouldn’t be confident in myself, a lot of guys would kill to be in my position. I’m talented, and a well established and respected musician in my city, I get along well with most everyone I meet, and as a result have developed a very wide and supportive friend group over the years, I would say and have been told that I’m pretty attractive, and don’t struggle with talking to people I’m attracted to, but I don’t know. Sometimes when I get home after a night out, I’m just hit with this crippling self doubt, and I feel like overcoming it would help me sleep a lot better.

  13. I get really strong compulsive urges to buy something. It is very clear that the moment i want something i want to buy it now emidiatly. As i grew older and got more responsibilities on me i learned to controll myself more. Best thing i learned is to tell me to wait two days before buying the thing as i know i would lose interest in the item after a couple of days.

  14. **Physical Health -** I have a whole host of health issues, including Type 2 Diabetes and Non-Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease, along with a mix of side effects from both.
    **Fitness -** I’m a bit overweight and a little lacking in stamina, but I’m seeing a personal trainer a couple days a week and it’s helping.
    **Mental Health** – a bit of depression, for which I’m taking daily meds and seeing a therapist from time to time, plus a rather complicated childhood I’m still troubled by decades later.
    **Appearance -** If anyone remembers Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett, I’m Lyle. The good news there, if there is any, is that it’s made all the girls I’ve dated look a bit more like Julia Roberts, and quite a few of them looked pretty good to start with. Still, I’ve often imagined others thinking “WTF, how that hell did *that* guy score that babe?”

  15. Mentally – I’m not very open and tend to keep things (issues) to myself rather than bring them up.

    Physically – I still wet the bed as an adult

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