I’m at a party right know. A friend invited me. Introduced me to nobody. Left. The music isn’t bad, the vibes are good.

I know none of the people and everyone is anywhere from slightly to very drunk. How do I establish morale/a connection with anyone? I’m in the corner, nodding along to the music.

I managed to get a conversation going with the DJ by asking for a song title and offering a drink. Ended up discussing subwoofers. I’m gonna need to try a 12″ sealed sub for my setup. It was a weird but fun evening.

  1. Head to the center of the party, stand up on the table and shout – “Yo who wants to challenge me in a rap battle” lessgo, you got this!!! Come onn you can do it.

  2. Choose one person go and say waow i like your wear/dress and develop a conversation. Be confidence and genial

  3. Go to the kitchen. Find a nice snack or drink. Ask around other people in kitchen if they know who brought snack because you like it. Use that as an opener “hey, this mixed drink is really good. What did you put in it, Kool aid mix and sprite?” “Yes finally someone else who likes mini corn dogs, my family hates them and would refuse to get them when I was younger” or even “is anyone good at making (insert drink here)?”

    You can build off food and common connections. With parties I would always bring something like a drink or food and could use it to make friends by asking people to taste test a new recipe.

  4. Did you bring alcohol or anything to contribute to the party? Do you smoke cigarettes? there are usually smokers outside somewhere who can be easy to chat with. What are you going to say if anyone asks how you know the host? Try making friends with some dudes there before you start approaching ladies.

  5. Generally it’s pretty hard, you can try to put yourself out there by making small talk with whoever looks interesting but your friend sucks for putting you in this position. If you invite someone to a party where they know no one it’s just proper etiquette that you take the responsibility of introducing them to other people and making sure they have a good time.

  6. Find someone that’s alone and ask them if they have tried a drink that was made for the party

  7. This happened to me in high school, I just started there and was scared as fck. I went alone because none of my friends that I knew went to parties like that.

    I went in and sat down, took a drink and started talking to all of them at the same time. They said I was cool because I came anyways alone and the girls at the party found me very interesting.

    You should do it! Easy confidence boost and you will become the cool guy 😂😎

  8. Go in with a funnel and a few beers, as soon as you get in the entrance shout;

    *who wants to funnel!!*

    You’ll have a few people come to see you for sure!

    Did it in college and it worked lol

  9. I just start talking to people… complete strangers…

    Usually I have about a fifth of jack in me but it’s not always necessary.

  10. So given that you posted this 14 hours ago at time of writing, I am assuming you’re not at the party anymore. But something I picked up from a Youtube video and have discovered is actually really useful is the following phrase: “Hi. I don’t think I’ve met you yet, have I?” or something similar. This will at the very least give you an opener. Also, glad you had fun at the party! Just by putting yourself out there is progress, mate. Good on you!

  11. It’s really scary but just going up to people who don’t seem to be busy in a conversation is a good way to start!

    Easy ways of starting conversation include complimenting someone on their outfit, or if you see them vibing to the music ask if they like/know the song, if you can’t think of anything else then the one I normally use is “oh, so how do you know the person who’s hosting the party” which is normally a good segue into their life and asking questions about what they do/study etc…

    If you need a bit of extra confidence then alcohol is your friend imo 🙂

  12. I am often in this situation (alone at a function). I go up to someone and ask them a question.

  13. What I’d do: find a smallish group of people (2-4) and say “Hey I don’t really know anyone here, my friend XY brought me but he already left and I felt awkward just standing around by myself, so now I’m tryjng to integrate myself in your conversation”

  14. Go up to people asking to play a drinking game(something exciting like beer pong), get a few people around and now you have something to talk about and reason to drink more

  15. When it happens to me I go around with a grin in my face and scared eyes, feeling terribile

  16. Try and join some kinda party game if there is one, see if you can ay a game of pool or beer pong or something

  17. Alcohol. That and be interested in people. You say you don’t know anybody, so get to know some of them. People love talking about themselves. Add in something about yourself here and there but keep the focus on the other person. Genuinely want to get to know them.

  18. I just say hello to every person, tell my name , ask theirs.
    Eventually some lonely person like respond, will talk and by end of the night I would have made a lot of friends

  19. That’s socializing on hard mode! Nicely done for sticking it out and finding someone to talk to.

  20. Not sure if there’s a “way to act.” But I always have success with asking “are you from here?”.

    How was your week? How was your Summer?

    Shoot it and hope they actually know how to talk too.

  21. Just talk to people like you already know them. Crack jokes, laugh, drink, whatever. If someone joins in and laughs with you then introduce yourself. If someone is not interested/preoccupied then don’t keep going, just leave it short and move on. Eventually you’ll find yourself hanging out with a bunch of people you never knew.

  22. You can just go up and talk to people. 99% of social interactions are about vibes. If you give off good vibes, people like you. Speak with conviction when you talk.

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