Let’s say your favorite thing is bar hoping and playing drinking games, dancing, etc. Your girlfriend gets smacked in the face while out with you and your friends, blacked out and gets a bloody nose. What would you do? Would you want to stay at the bar or take her home right away?

  1. >Would you want to stay at the bar or take her home right away?

    If she loses consciousness from being struck, that’s really fucking serious. As in, go to the hospital serious.

    I’m not a fan of having my girlfriend fucking die, so I’m taking her to the hospital.

  2. If they don’t stay with you and make sure you’re taken care of, you’re with the wrong person.

  3. If she’s losing consciousness then we’re going to the hospital asap. After that, when she’s sober and rested, I’m finding out wtf happened that she’s losing consciousness.

  4. Hospital or home. Then afterwards I get the OK from doctor you’ll be okay. I’ll soon find leads who hit you and ask them “Pick a number 1-10”. Digging holes can be fun. 🥳💀😂

  5. Go to the hospital. If she was assaulted let staff know and call the police. Why would you stay at the bar? It’s time go anywhere but where you are now.

  6. Like smacked in the face intentionally by someone? I’d be going to jail.

    But assuming an accident I’d definitely be taking her to the hospital. Losing consciousness from blunt force trauma is serious and needs to be evaluated. And even if she didn’t black out, I’d want the night to be over so we could go home and I could keep an eye on her unless she was somehow alert enough to insist otherwise.

    Can’t imagine being with someone who wouldn’t do the same for me.

  7. lol what? No good person wether they are your partner or not is going to just stay at the bar lmfao. If that happened to you you need to leave that asshole asap

  8. This is a really weird scenario. Is she just lying there on the floor or you mean out of it for a second? If the former, take her to get checked out. If the latter, I’m guessing she’d be telling me what happened and would want to leave, which I’d have no issue with. I’d want to know what happened, but I wouldn’t make her stay there because of it.

  9. If she got hit and lost consciousness that’s a TBI and she should see a doctor right away. I would take her straight to the hospital and then home.

  10. I’d stop everything I’m doing and try to help her, screw everyone else. I don’t drink though I don’t think I’d be at a bar. I don’t have friends so I don’t think I’d be sober cab. Wait… I’m told I’m ugly so I wouldn’t have gf either :,(

  11. Do you care about her and want to make sure she’s okay? If the answer is no, maybe she shouldn’t be your girlfriend.

  12. I’d start hopping in place at the bar while screaming “What’s Up Doc?!”.



    This is a troll question right?

    I would take care of her.

    Seriously OP, wth?

    I know this is Askmen but you can actually ask a serious questions here.

  13. Seek medical attention, press charges, and if I’m in the position to stop the attack before it happens, that’ll be my first priority.

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