Hello the title says it all really. 2 months ago I went on a date with a guy it went really well we had an amazing date and we instantly clicked. At the end of the date he held my hand and cuddled me. The next day he asked me out again but stood me up at the last minute. We go to the same college so I see him every now and then and we have some mutual friends. Then he started being inconsistent and replying back after hours but still flirting and being hot and cold I confronted him and he refused to tell me where we stand but later on said he wasn’t ready for a relationship at the moment. I was totally gutted but got the answer I needed. We remained in touch but he kept flirting with me and it was very confusing and painful to me because I liked him so much but can’t accept a casual relationship so I stopped texting. We see each other around and we always say hi yo each other but stopped communicating. Thing is I can’t forget him and his rejection. I hardly ever meet men I like and dating is always very scary to me I over analyze everything that happened and I get hurt over the simplest things and wish I’ve done things differently

I am really starting to think there is something up with me as I’ve gotten so attached to him in a short period of time. What makes it worse is now it’s awkward between us and he avoids me in real life. The thing is I stopped communicating because I wanted him to act right but now he stopped chasing me definitely. (Ps: I’m struggling with rejection trauma and maybe limerence)

Can someone talk some sense in to me? Thanks!

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