When you’re in a rut and just need to DO something, what do you do?

  1. A list. Then another one. I continue until I have lists that tell me what’s actually wrong and what I can actually do about the issues.

    Then it’s just a long walk and crossing things off of the said lists.

  2. Switch up which hobby to spend time on, change my hair, get some new clothes, plan a vacation.

  3. It sounds kind of stupid, but I ask myself something like “if I could wake up tomorrow and my life would be better, what would that look like?” I often have trouble identifying what I’m actually struggling with because I have obsessive compulsive disorder and racing thoughts that come with it. This can sometimes help me identify what objective thing is bothering me that I can actually change.

  4. Very first thing is assess my willingness to change by picking a tiny action & doing that consistently for 2 weeks. It’s tiny, like, like going for a 2 minute walk before I start work every day.

    Once I can do that, I make a list of things I want to change, then rank them from 99% sure I can accomplish this to 99% sure I can’t accomplish that. Then start making changes with the 99% sure I can accomplish that item.

    When I get to something where I believe my chances of success are 95% or less, I break that item down into micro-goals in the same way (99% sure I can do this one little thing, etc) & start on that action.

  5. I declutter and clean whatever needs deep cleaning, do a workout, make some music. And while I do that I think about what needs to change and if I’m willing to make the sacrifice, because if I’m decluttering and cleaning for hours things are for sure bad and require more action than just changing something around the house.

  6. Try out a new hobby! I have a habit of cycling through various things, some stick and others come and go. In the last few years, I’ve learnt embroidery, started watercolour painting, growing my own veg, daily meditations, air drying clay modelling, playing escape room boardgames…

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