I am a 26 year old male, and I’ve struggled to get a good paying job and moved from a couple jobs. But when I graduate college a few years ago I got an offer for a job working for the city in which I lived. It started off as a joke with me and my friend, we both applied and we told ourselves as long as one of us gets it. Well two days later after the application I get a call and boom job interview and I go to the three interviews and get it. All I had to do was pass the background check and the three test you had to pass a math test, English, and a one more test that just tested your common sense. Well me being an idiot and not trying I took the test and well I did amazing on them.
So they call me again and tell me that my test scores where great, my background check was good, physically was good and thy wanted to get me to sign the offer. At this point I had never asked for the salary information so they sit me down and explain everything and tell me the starting salary is $4100 a month, and since in bilingual I would get another $350 on top, making the salary $4450 a month. It was a Monday- Friday, 8-5 and full benefits and all. So imagine as a 23 year old I was like ok. And they showed me my office and all but I was going to be the youngest guy working in the office. Well my dumbass rejected the offer because I didn’t want to be working with people that weren’t close to my Age and I didn’t want an office job at that time.

Then they gave offered it to my friend and he’s been there ever since and he now makes close to $5200 a month.

So yeah I’m super happy for him but that’s one of my regrets so far passing a career like that specially after just graduating.

  1. I had a lost decade in my younger life where all I have to show for it are hazy drugged out memories and a criminal record.

    I could have gone to school, I could have joined the military, I could have traveled the world, so many things I coulda shoulda woulda done – I blew that potential…just fukkin blew it.

    Time is one thing you can never make up for…it’s definitely a regret of mine.

  2. May be a little dark but I regret not saying anything when I would get touched inappropriately. I was young and very confused. It became “normal” for/to me. Didn’t know much about what was happening. I just regret stopping it. I’m sure it’s the cause of my anxiety/depression

    Edit: someone reached out to Reddit saying they are concerned for me. THANK YOU! I appreciate a transfer being concerned and caring about others. I am okay. I’ve learned to accept what happened and have made peace with it to some extent. My anxiety and desires soon has gotten much better after having been in lockdown for nearly 2 years because of covid.

  3. All the times my younger self hurt or said mean things to my little brother

    There’s so much I regret, even if he doesn’t hate me and forgives me for everything, I can’t bring myself to forgive me for all my actions

  4. I have a really unique talent and I loved performing it in my high school and stuff, I am just sooooooooooooooo mad that I didn’t record it so I could show people today 🙁

  5. Should’ve had more sex, making up for it now, though. It is not about the mistake it’s about the recovery.

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