My fiancé came home from work and before we were going to get it on I noticed he had a rubber glove on penis… he said it was because he was working so long without a bathroom break that when he finally went he was still dripping and didn’t want a spot on his pants. He works 16 hour days every day but like it’s weird right? What are your thoughts?

  1. This sounds like bs. I’m a man who works long hrs with very few breaks. That being said I have never put a glove on my penis. If I go to the bathroom and it’s still dripping I’m not done. If it’s just like “shake off” then I can use tissue to remove it. To me this doesn’t even sound realistic. If you put a glove on your penis to catch your pee, eventually it would fall off or you would move and get pee all over yourself.

  2. The thing is , even if he was cheating why bother putting a glove on his’s not gonna do anything anyway lmao

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