What is your favourite book? And how many times have you read it?

  1. Tie between The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
    2-3 times (with lots of back tracking) and 4-5 times all the way through, respectively.

  2. I don’t have a favourite book. There are many series I enjoy, but it’s hard to name an actual one off favourite.

  3. I have many favorite books, but on my top ten is Flowers in the Attic and I’ve read it 3x. That says a lot for me since I never read a book more than once.

  4. Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. Started reading it at 17, understood it when I was 25.

  5. I’m a thriller/sci-fi/mystery fan.

    Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It’s my feel good book. I read it for comfort. Just makes me feel kind of warm.

  6. It’s too hard to make just one, and besides the list changes with time and as new favourites are added. Each book or series – as an SF/fantasy fan, there are a lot of series – that is in my top ten, I read multiple times.

    The one I read most often is probably the Lord of the Rings, as it was my earliest favourite and I have had 34 years to reread it over and over… And then there is Terry Pratchett’s entire opus, ditto for Stephen King – with a special emphasis on The Dark Tower – Julian May’s Galactic Milieu Saga, Dan Simmons’ Hyperion Cantos, Jodi Taylor’s Chronicles of St Mary’s, Nick Harkaway’s The Gone-Away World and Angel maker, and Seanan McGuire’s Middlegame.

  7. Feel the fear and do it anyway – susan jeffers. I always go to this book when im feeling trapped or abit anxious

  8. Emma by Jane Austen. I’ve read that book a hundred times over. Light and funny, a perfect read for when I’m feeling stressed and anxious

  9. ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

    It might be a ‘basic’ answer, but I love the story, characters, and the decadent language. Fitzgerald had a beautiful way with words. I love lots of other books, but ever since I was a teen, Gatsby had my heart.

  10. Memoirs of a Geisha – I’ve read it 4 times (total) in two languages, I find it fascinating every time.

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