What is your way of dealing with when people are dismissive of your opinion?

  1. Depends on the context. My opinions may not be relevant to them if they didn’t solicit them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were dismissive if I offered opinions about something without it being pertinent to me. On the other hand, if they are being dismissive if my opinions and preferences in relation to my own life, then they are showing that they don’t care about or respect me as an individual, so I’d make a note of that and distance myself from them accordingly.

  2. I had a teacher who would BEG for class participation and feedback, but when someone would express an opinion different than hers, she would stare blankly at them until they finished talking and then continue teaching like they hadn’t said anything. Obviously after a few times, no one wanted to participate anymore. So yeah, I usually just ignore people like this and find someone else more interesting to talk to.

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