Men who regularly visit the gym, how has your daily well-being changed?

  1. In general, I feel more confident with myself, and more focused and at ease even outside the gym.

  2. I haven’t been to the gym in awhile honestly, I’m trying to get back into it but it’s a struggle to start. A massive struggle haha, I’m having trouble even going 1 time a week.

    When I went to the gym regularly (4x a week) everything was better. Felt better physically, mentally, emotionally. I’m pretty good in mental and emotional health already so it was amazing.

    More energy, more awake, able to think better, more confidence, everything was better. It’s the best medicine you can get, but getting to that point for me is absolutely awful. I know it’s going to be so so worth it though.

  3. More energetic and I feel better in and out of clothing. Easier to lift and carry things. Harder to float in the pool and I bump my shoulders into doorframes more often. More complements, but mostly from other dudes.

  4. It’s been a couple years since I really got back into the gym and running.

    I feel way, way more energetic. Like when I was a teen. My lower back also used to give me problems, now it doesn’t.

    I’m 29.

  5. More energy and an improved posture. Testosterone levels have gone up and I can say that the sex life has improved all around.

    As for the confidence in general, can’t say it has improved vastly.

  6. I sleep better, my back stopped hurting from too much sitting, I have way more energy for things after work. And I get compliments on the street (mostly from older women, but still, it’s nice 🙂 ).

  7. 1. Generally more positive and feel better throughout the day.
    2. Feel more self assured.
    3. Feel stronger, more capable.
    4. More energy, though I sometimes get pretty tired in the evening as I workout early.
    5. Generally much happier than when I don’t.

  8. In my mid-40’s now and the adage “move or die” is correct. I move constantly so I can move constantly. PLUS it just feels good to breathe heavy and lift something heavy before putting it back down again.

  9. In my 40s, my gym is my basement, and because of it I’m easily in the best shape of my friends and family around the same age. I also hear about everyone’s ailments all the time and I have zero physical issues. It also helps me sleep very well – working out most days will do that.

    An extra bonus to all of that is that I burn enough calories that the occasional 3 slices of pizza on a Saturday doesn’t affect me.

  10. Overall well being is MUCH better; I feel like exercise in general is great for mental health due to the release of endorphins, feeling of accomplishing something on a day-to-day basis, etc. Not to mention being physically fit allows your body to feel better overall. I definitely start to notice myself feeling worse both physically and mentally if I go more than a few days without any major activity.

    HOWEVER I know this will be an unpopular opinion because Reddit loves lifting… but IMO lifting is super overrated and you don’t necessarily need to lift often or at all in order to be physically/mentally healthy. There are so many other physical activities you can do to improve your fitness and physique such as hiking, swimming, various sports, etc. I used to lift very regularly for several years but nowadays I just do sports/other random physical activities and I feel way healthier than I ever was when I was hitting the gym 5x a week.

  11. 48m who doesn’t relate to peers who complain about back or joint pain – although if I don’t keep active/fit all those injuries I’ve had over the course of my life come back to haunt me.

    Work out and look good/feel good vs don’t work out and look/feel like shit – I think is an easy choice to make!

  12. Night and day difference! I am more confident, feel better equipped to take on my work day, and eases any anxiety!

  13. I used to be extremely thin like skeletal underweight thin. Now I definitely feel more confident being buff and shredded and better about my appearance. But it didn’t change my mental in any way. I’m introverted and actually care even less about woman and relationships. I full on got into improving myself

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