My boyfriend told me that he prefers to have daughters when we have kids and I asked why and he just said just because and that he’s always wanted daughters more but is accepting of sons too. So I’m just curious

  1. After having two daughters we found out number three would be a girl too. I was totally fine with it. Hopefully no. 1&2 give me enough experience to have no.3’s girl problems figured out 😀

  2. I honestly would prefer a son but my mom says “daughters usually take after their father in personality & vice versa for boys” so that’s my only idea

  3. I’ve got a daughter and a son. In reality I didn’t care as long as they were healthy but I did want a daughter because I have a niece who was born when I was 12 and have a really close relationship with because my parents babysat her in the evenings when I was a teenager. I’ve been blessed to have a great daughter and a great son. I can’t complain.

  4. Wife is pregnant now. I keep going back and forth. I love the idea of a father daughter bond and the emotional closeness.

    I’m also really into sports, and that’s statistically more likely something that a son would enjoy with me.

    But honestly health is all I care about

  5. Because my life has been surrounded by boys and men. 3 brothers.ake dominated career. Give me something new to learn with a daughter. We can learn together. Too bad I only produce boys.

  6. I had two sons after my first divorce. I was open minded to expanding my family with hopes to have a baby girl

    My second wife had 4 daughters from her previous marriage and badly wanted a son.

    But we had a little girl!

    Her mom is no longer a part of my life but I couldn’t be more thrilled with my daughter! She is my little lady and thinks I am a superhero which is pretty cool!

    I love my sons, very proud of them and are a lot of fun , but my daughter helps soften the edges of an otherwise all-boy household! Her big brothers are just as smitten and protective of her as I am!

  7. I don’t think I’d say I wanted daughters necessarily, but I was more nervous at the idea of having a son. I grew up without a dad and was worried about teaching a boy to become a man, but I didn’t have that same worry about my wife teaching our daughters to be women. Two daughters and years later I think that fear was probably unfounded.

    After the first daughter I wanted another for a couple reasons, first because we had them really close together so hoped they be close friends (so far they are). Also, we kept all of my older daughter’s clothes and things and I’m cheap and hoped to re-use them.

  8. I don’t much like men. I don’t like male culture. I would have loved a son but I was happy I had a daughter.

  9. I want both. Id like a son to try and raise a little mini me. But daddy-daughter relationships are special in their own way.

  10. Daughters when very young are calmer, and more helpful. If you do have another they also like to take care of the baby. Boys can be very irritating and may stop you from having anymore children. But it’s not like you can pick which comes out. Edit: I forgot…now you can pick any gender, or animal spirit you want.

  11. I wanted a son because I know I can’t say no to my daughter… I have a 18 month old daughter…

  12. Bc I can come up with a name for my hypothetical daughter easily but naming my hypothetical son is difficult. Also bc I wanna do her hair

  13. I want to be a dad one day. So I’d be equally happy with a daughter or son. I know that a father daughter relationship is just as important as a father son relationship. Plus if I were to have a daughter she’d be my princess.

  14. So, I’m happily sterile but if I *HAD* to have kids, I’e hope for a daughter too. A few reasons. A) I grew up with only brothers, so I often wondered what life would’ve been like with a sister. B) I think daughters are more appreciative of a good dad than sons are. C) I want ro prove that if you raise a daughter right, you don’t have to worry about her dating complete fuckups.

  15. I wonder this myself often why I prefer a girl to a boy. I guess I think girls are more adorable.

    That said, if I have a son I am going to love him the same as I would my daughter.

  16. I wanted a daddy’s girl that was up my butt a lot…. well ended up getting too many and now they either leave me alone or always bothersome lol

  17. i love having a daughter. we got to do all of the things I’d do with a boy until her teens, and then i got to see her grow into a beautiful woman. her mom did all the “girl things” with her growing up, so it was win/win.

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