My son is 29, we go weeks without speaking, and when we do it’s usually short impersonal text conversations. I don’t know how much of that is a normal part of growing up, and how much is personal. I’m looking for a baseline, I don’t know how often is normal because Im not on speaking terms with my parents.

  1. I’m a little older than your son and I speak on the phone with my parents a few times a week. I talk with my parents less than most of my peers. A text conversation every few weeks is very little communication to have with your parents, even as an adult.

  2. 3-4 times a week over the phone. I drop in on my way home from work once a week.

    My wife, my son and I try to visit as a family once a week too or they come over for dinner

  3. I barely talk to my mom, mainly because of the way she treated me when I was younger.

  4. Me and my mum go out for dinner dates every week. We use that time to catch up on what’s been happening. Sometimes I would just go over to her house to hang around, rant about life, and she makes fun of my life choices lmao, or we go for drives around town, eyeing some shirtless dudes at the beach or get some coffee.

  5. I (m 25) rarely talk to mine (maybe once a month id call them), even tho I adore phone calls with my mam & I do receive frequent phone calls from my dad, i dont enjoy how frequent they are. I put it down to my up bringing, it wasn’t an exactly nurturing one but it was an independent one.. so even though my relationship between my parents differ, I just don’t call cause I don’t see a need too. If I’ve something to tell them, I’ll tell them via text. I might come to regret this but when I’m home we can talk and joke for hours and I kinda like it that way. I don’t know what relationship you’ve with your son but maybe he wants boundary I think that should be respected. If he’s put up a wall find a way to pick it apart piece by piece

  6. Really depends. I’m from an older generation when smart phones weren’t a thing, and we’re not a talkative family generally. In my 20s I could go weeks without talking to my parents. My relationship with them was fine. Mind you there were five other children to fill the gaps so they didn’t get lonely. Our kids ring us 2-3 times a day, which is nice but weird. Talking is overrated.

  7. There is a high chance he has some negative feelings towards you. Talk with him, don’t expect any real answer though. Because, would you gave one to yours?

  8. For me, it seems to vary a lot. I am 29 and lately I feel like my dad is uninterested in my life, but I’ve been talking to my mom quite a bit. A few years ago it was the opposite. My folks are divorced btw.

  9. I see my dad at least twice a week since my mom died. And we text or talk on the phone almost daily.

  10. I’m 42 m. Call my mom twice a week, dad once a week. Stop by their house once or twice a month.

  11. Just turned 29 this week, Dad is that you ? Dont worry about me I’m just not a talkative person but it doesnt mean I dont love or think about you ❤

  12. Not at all anymore – they both recently passed away. Give him a call every now and then just to see how he’s doing.

  13. When I was living somewhere else when going to college, I don’t remember calling my mom all that often. And since my dad was always traveling or living somewhere else, we would maybe talk twice a year, if that. So contact was pretty rare in general.

  14. Usually call my parents each once a week, and I’m a similar age. Usually just updates about our weeks and anything else going on in life in general

  15. It sort of depends on the relationship you have with your kid. I’m a 32 male, my dad is old school and doesn’t text so usually a phone call once a week for an hour or so is what we do (we live in different cities).

    On the other hand my best buddy calls his mom every single day on his way to work.. my situation seems to be the exception as most of my friends have good relationships with their parents.

  16. When was younger, I went weeks and even months without talking to my parents, but now i call them every Sunday. You have to wait another 20 years.

  17. I live fairly close to my dad (30 minutes by car) so I see him every other weekend. No other communication unless there’s something I need an answer about – specific information.

  18. Too often. Maybe once or twice a week. But it’s really boring chat usually about her issues at work, never ending issues at her place and her resolving them and generic super boring house related talk which I couldn’t care less about. We are different people with totally different interests in life, and she doesn’t do anything of interest at all so for me it’s just listening to the most boring of conversations barely saying a word. It has been this way for a long time and it will never change. She gets a lot more out of the call than I do.

  19. I talk to my parents at least weekly and also text during the week in variable spurts. My older brother, that’s a whole different story and they all don’t talk/text much at all as far as I know.

  20. Early 30s, I talk to my parents about once a week, maybe it goes 10days if I get really busy. My wife calls her mom almost daily, but I think it’s different for women.

  21. My mom and me talk almoat everyday and have a great relationship. My brother and I still do activities and road trips with her from time to time

  22. speak to my mum all the time. probably at least once a week. my dads a bit of a self absorbed cunt and talking to him is a chore.

    honestly mum worked out how to stop being mum a while ago. well in to adulthood both my parents still spoke to me like their child always asking parent questions without sharing anything personal about themselves. basically in my situation my parents needed to stop being back seat drivers and let me drive my own car.

    I dunno if this relates to your situation at all but for me the more mum openned up about her own failings, misconceptions or struggles with life or hopes, dreams and successes, the more I saw her as a person, an equal and not an overbearing authority figure. Dad still hasnt figured this one out. still talks AT me rather than WITH me and it’s just painful. just feels like being held verbally hostage til I have an excuse to leave or hang up.

  23. every day. moved across the country to be closer to them. they’re 60+. I might have 25 more years with them if I’m lucky. If I had stayed where I was, I would see them 2 times a year. That would be maybe 50 total more times I’d ever get to see my parents. Couldn’t live with that when I had the power to change it. Every day. Multiple times per day.

  24. My mom and I would call each other every few weeks to make sure the other is doing ok. “ are you alive? You have enough to eat? How’s your wife? Do you need anything? Ok, love you, bye, I’m going fishing”

    But recently I’ve joined a gym that’s just down the street from her house and I stop there to change out of my work clothes. So now I see her at least once a week.

    My wife talks to both her mom and dad everyday. It’s exhausting to even imagine.

  25. Weeks? Lol my guy you have nothing to worry about. I love my dad and we have a great relationship; and we talk maybe two or three times a year. Your son is probably busy, he’s 29 you know. I hope you spent some good years with him in his childhood, because that’s when you’re supposed to spend time with your children.

  26. Whenever I’m away my dad and I communicate primarily by sending each other YouTube videos. And I think we’re pretty close. But I’m a man now; I have stuff to do, and he gets it.

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