When you were younger did you ever make up crushes? If so why?

  1. What do you mean by “make up” crushes? Like pretending/lying about crushing on someone when you don’t? Or daydreaming about an imaginary crush/person you imagined?

  2. yes- wanted to disguise my sexuality, so made myself have a crush on someone of the opposite gender

  3. Definitely would fake crushes to make life more exciting but only in elementary school!

  4. Yeah to fit in, the cool boy that the other girls all had a crush but were “to afraid” to ask him out. Yeah now I’m questioning wither any of us actually like him.

  5. No. But my definition of crush (looking back) was actually just wanting to know more about a person, not having feelings about them.

  6. No as I felt crushes frequently. It wasn’t anything big just like ohh that person seems cool. It was more innocent as a kid.

  7. I thought about doing this prior to having my first crush because I was one of the only girls who didn’t have a crush on anyone. I thought boys had cooties until I was about 10 or so.

  8. I actually faked a whole ass boyfriend one time because my friends wouldn’t stop pestering me about getting one. I said he was from down South – where I used to live, so they’d probably never meet him. Very convenient. 🤣

  9. Yep. I didn’t realize I was a lesbian until I was 14, so until then I picked random boys to “crush on” if my mom or friends ever asked me.

  10. Yes. I was a weird, dramatic little kid and always had to have a crush who would be a person in my class that I picked based on things like “has a G.I. Joe lunchbox.” When i was old enough to actually start liking people, I lied and said I liked the most “popular” boy to like so no one would give me crap about my real secret crushes. I was still weird and dramatic so I took it way too far.

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