What is a minor inconvenience that drives you insane?

  1. Design that’s not intuitive – like websites, automated phone trees, etc. I hate having to click around everywhere to find the answer to my problem.

  2. When I go to use the copier at work, and there’s someone using it. Like, that shouldn’t irritate me, but it does.

  3. People leisurely and obliviously walking three or four wide across a multi-use bike/pedestrian path, either with earphones in or talking loudly amongst themselves, while I’m stuck behind them on a bicycle.

  4. Waiting for a kettle to boil when I am in a rush. I know this is ridiculous, and yet I give the kettle the death glare every time. 😂

  5. When I bend down to pick something up and don’t get it on the first go. When I’m reaching for something and something else grabs onto it. When I’m going to spell something and the suggestions above aren’t close to what I’m trying to spell and even more infuriating…they suggest two fucking words. That absolutely pisses me off! Google always has my back though…just an absolute pain having to go to it when my auto dictionary can’t figure out what I’m trying to spell.

  6. Teary eyes when doing eye makeup. Usually the solution to stop it is a quick easy fix, but it drives me up the damn wall for a good 15 minutes.

  7. Having to get up for work 😔

    Similarly, waking up like 2-3 hours before alarm goes off, fall right back to asleep and 5 mins later, alarm goes off 😒

  8. Cars have to warm up in the winter. Why can’t they instantly be warm when you turn them on? Why do I have to wait for the heat to work and the windshield to defrost?

  9. My kid is a slow walker and takes steps half at a time. Like he’ll step down, then put the next foot on that same step, over and over. I don’t have time for this! Just walk like a normal person!!!

  10. Having to get up right after sitting down.

    Rock in shoe.

    Forgetting to take Youtube video off autoplay.

  11. When I get to my car after shopping and realize I’ve forgot one inexpensive nut very specific item and have to decide if its worth going back inside.

  12. When someone (ahem my husband) takes the last Diet Coke and doesn’t refill the fridge. I get all unreasonably upset.

  13. (Unfortunately) when a cashier doesn’t understand what brand of smokes I’m asking for.

    When someone needs to catch up with their favorite gas station employee that has the same act with every customer.

    When someone needs to play the lottery with a line behind them.

    (For me at work) When the operator walks away from the robotic machine and the machine/robot(s) needs assistance from an operator [and they won’t let me touch it].

    When someone stops to wait for traffic and takes a turn without a turn signal.

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