Me (M27), G (F23).
I had a huge crush on G for the past year, she spent some time studying aboard in Germany, I live in Italy. After she came back I asked 2 mutual friends (D and B) to introduce me to her and we went out for drinks me, G, D and B. (This was almost 4 months ago). Everything went well, I got invited to G’s friend birthday by G and everything was still ok. After that, in July, we went almost 2 weeks in vacation together and, at first I was just a friend I managed with all my charm to seduce her, she told me she really likes me but the long distance stuff is a problem since she’s going back to Germany at the start of August and she’ll work there from 6months to 2 years (she doesn’t know yet) she doesn’t really want long distance stuff so she couldn’t do anything.

I am insane, you should know that before I continue.

I don’t care where I live, as long as I have internet and I can speak the language I work in IT so I can find good jobs REALLY easily anyway in the developed world and I’m super willing to move to Germany if:
she’s down with the idea to date
I know she’s going to stay there for more than a few months and then move back to Italy.
I went to Germany for a weekend to test if she would be down to date and we had a blast. We slept in the same bed, cuddled she stroke my hair, and body (I hope “stroke” is the correct word) I did the same, with did everything a couple does in bed but the sexual stuff, when it came to kissing her she said “no” and explained to me the long distance stuff again. I told her I was willing to move there no problem, but she’s uncomfortable to make me move there when she’s not sure the relation could work since we’ve seen each other for a total of a little more than a couple of weeks (fair argument ofc).
Now that I came back G told H that I was really nice and she really likes me and she’s sad about the long distance stuff. H told me.
After I was back in Italy I asked G why cuddling was ok but kissing wasn’t, but I did it in the worst possible moment (she was going out to a friend’s party and I knew that. She obv couldn’t talk about it there) she told me that we’ll talk about it soon.
Before I went to Germany I received a tons of photos and messages, we still write quite a bit to each other but it’s way less than before, no more photos and we never touched the kissing argument again. She told H that she likes me and I trust both of them to not lie, so I’m a bit confused.

How can I bring out the “Why is cuddling fine for you but kissing isn’t” without sounding pushy, needy, dumb?

TLDR. I like a girl that lives aboard. She likes me back. Went to visit, we cuddled a lot, but we didn’t kiss. How do I ask her “why” without sounding bad?

Sorry for mistakes, English is not my first language

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