are Tesco and Costco related?

  1. No, Tesco is an English company founded in 1919, Costco is American founded in 1983 in Seattle. Costco was an offshoot of Price Club which was founded in San Diego.


    They have no relation.

  2. In English, “-co” is common suffix for a **co**mpany’s name. Other examples include Petco (pet supplies), Texaco, Sunoco (both are petroleum companies), Cisco (computer networking), Safeco (grocer), and PepsiCo (food). All unrelated.

  3. Pretty sure they’re not. Not even the same kind of store, I dont think. Costco is a warehouse club you need a membership for. Tesco, to my knowledge, is just a regular department store along the lines of a Target or Walmart.

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