My partner (26F) and I (26M) have been in a relationship for over 7 years. A few years ago her libido started going into a downward spiral, to the point where physical touch and cuddling felt like too much according to her. There have been desert-like dry spells in our relationship for the past 4 years with the longest being about 7 months without having sex. Now it’s averaging about 2 months or so between intercourse. We’ve talked about it and she says she doesn’t even masturbate anymore and that it’s not anything I’ve done or haven’t done. Even when she do have sex she expressed she feels very dry and tight and irritated down there so we have to use lube more and more. Our relationship is pretty much healthy otherwise but I hate to admit my sexual frustration has led me to questioning it. Any advice?

  1. It might be stress from work and life, or a feeling of boredom (not of you) or nothing to look forward to in the future.

  2. You can have her stop taking the birth control (since no sex is happening anyway) and see how that goes.

    Use condoms if things feel better for her.

  3. Have her Testosterone checked. A Testosterone pellet does wonders. Last about 3 months

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