I get it, we all do it sometimes, but it’s just happening a lot now where my friend will text me back almost a week later and then say he forgot. Saying he saw the messages and meant to reply but just forgot. It hurts when this keeps happening but he’s a really close friend so I don’t want to get mad. I also know he’s recently become obsessed with a new video game and is spending most of his time playing that so I feel like that’s also why he’s not present as much, as dumb as that sounds.

Another friend also takes a week+ to text me back and currently has not replied to me in over 10 days. I‘m going to be in her city next week and normally would ask her to hang but I don’t really feel like it now 🙁

  1. Well as someone with ADHD I would even forget to write myself back. I haven’t talked to my best friend in two weeks but I was busy figuring out stuff.

    Give your friends time and try to do things you like on your own. I know it gets lonely sometimes but the more I cherish the moments I am with someone.

  2. Nobody consistently forgets to respond to somebody they respect. It means they do not see texting you as a priority and they may not be that interested in you as of now. In that case, you need to pull back and stop texting them. Remember Friends are supposed to have separate lives. You aren’t in a codependent relationship. Do not get all emotional and chase and beg for this person to respond to you. It doesn’t work. People know when you are attached to them. Telltale signs include you texting them way more than they text you and then emotionally reacting whenever they don’t text you back for whatever reason. When you exhibit these signs, people will view you as desperate, lonely, and needy for their attention and validation. That is never a good impression to make.

    Here is something that can only help you. Learn how to talk to people in real life. Learn how to talk to more than one person. Learn how to be self confident, bring positive vibes, and add value to people’s lives. People gravitate towards those things and respect those things, not neediness and desperation. Now is also the time you need to be genuinely busy in your real life focusing on your goals and hobbies in addition to talking to other people. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

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