For context I’m 19 M

I have a pretty busy life, I work full time at a call center that takes around 12 hours of my day away, and I always have stuff to do on weekends and I’m not lonely in general or anything.

However I always crave female presence if I’m hanging out with a female even if we’re just walking I feel great or at least less depressed, I could be doing something I enjoy with a guy friend and not feel as satisfied as if I was just sitting with a female doing barley nothing.

I think it’s because I have been single for so long and I don’t have that many female friends, I’m also sure I’m touch starved, and it’s messing up with my mentality and making me go out of my way to hang out with female Co-workers even if It means I get less break time or it’s a hassle.

I also always take the chance to flirt with a girl even if I don’t actually like her, I just want any female interaction, I’m honestly not sure why that is.

How do I stop feeling that way or what could be the root cause of this?

  1. What you feel is Oxytocin – it makes you feel great, and eases pain. It’s a bonding hormone that helps with partners and family. Great when managed but harmful when a dependency forms

    For you there could be threads of esteem boosting but 19M is not much to go off of

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