Men of Reddit, What is that one thing you want so badly but it’s like a forbidden fruit at this point in your Life?

  1. Beer. It just makes me feel like shit. I stick to whiskey in very small amounts or organic wine.

  2. A real career instead of retail, my own place, a nice used car, to be attractive to women.

  3. I wished to Walden for a few years but this damn internet has me hooked to the grid for life.

  4. A partner where the love between us is shared equally, rather than her being more into me and vice versa. Maybe just to find that ‘very few times in a lifetime’ romantic connection and lock it down.

    I’m 40, and have been in the game 25 years, and it hasn’t happened, yet. Maybe this year?

  5. Retirement. I’ll never see it if this country keeps swiping the credit card .

    No mortgage payment.

    A clean house not full of kid shit lol

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