I have noticed that there is some people that seem to always be in contact and close connections talking to their significant other all the time. But I ont feel that way. I like the light chit chat but most of the day I like to focus on my work in silence and peace. But I also have a lot of trouble with relationships.

Could this be the reason? Should I invest more time into talking with others?

  1. I’m having similar issues with my current partner, where he comes across as being indifferent and not interested in me. He usually waits for me to reach out to him, he doesn’t really ask me much about my day, and his favourite phrase is “I’m here if you need me” instead of actively offering support. He revealed that he doesn’t feel natural reaching out, and he thinks it stems from previous childhood and relationship trauma where despite him reaching out, people still abandoned him anyway, so he just stopped trying.

    It may be worth speaking to a counsellor about whether there is previous trauma making you act that way. Otherwise, practice with your friends and challenge yourself to nurture these relationships with more effort from your part.

  2. My bf was like that in the beginning. We don’t text that much during the day but I asked when I do text him that he reply to me in a normal amount of time. We don’t see each other that often either but it becomes more frequent as time goes on. Maybe you just haven’t found someone you click with the well ?

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