What age is a good age to lose your virginity?

  1. Chef on South Park said 17. My therapist says 14. Freshman year in high school. I wonder about my therapist sometimes.

  2. When you meet someone worth it:
    Someone you can trust, treats you right and respects your body and time.

  3. How about at least until you and your partner are at the minimum age of consent? I’m old and I don’t care if this comes across as preachy, but don’t have sex until you have access to at least two forms of birth control (that are not the rhythm or pullout method). This is especially important if you’re in the US and in a place where reproductive rights are in jeopardy.

    Wait for a person where you feel attraction, respect for consent, and a demonstrated interest in your sexual pleasure. In my experience, dick is low value and abundant so while I think you should definitely hold out for someone who views you as more than an object, enjoyment of the experience is pivotal too and someone worth having sex with will demonstrate this through foreplay.

  4. Whenever you stop thinking that losing your virginity is some sort of obligation. In other words, when you have sex because you feel comfortable and happy with your partner and not because you think you have to.

    But I would reccomend to educate yourself about safe sex and all that before it happens.

  5. When you:

    Have a willing partner

    Can secure your own form of birth control (condoms or bc)

    Can secure your a reasonable place to have sex (not sneaking in some else bed or bathroom)

    Can handle the potential of pregnancy

    Can be emotionally mature with your partner (no lying, cheating, manipulating)

    So….20, I guess

  6. I think it’s better not to think of it that way. Lots of things are sex acts. Sex acts are sex. You try stuff for the first time and see if you want to try it again. You explore each other and see what feels best. Eventually you’ve tried most of the things you want to try and you feel like you’re no longer inexperienced at sex. But the idea of one event where you “lose” something – it’s an approach to sex that’s full of pressure, black and white thinking, and transaction, and that’s the opposite of the mindset you need to be in to have good sex.

  7. When you feel that YOU want. When you feel no doubts, when you find someone that you trust and feel confortable to… I lost with a friend, not a boyfriend. She was a gay man at the time, now is a trans woman. I trusted her and I wished that my first time could be something for me, with someone that I would not regret in the future.

  8. When you and your partner are comfortable enough with each other to have a full conversation about birth control and std’s.. when you find someone you fully trust to stop immediately if you say you don’t like something and that you feel comfortable enough with, that you would say it in the moment.

  9. Idk, realistically the answer is different for everyone, we don’t all mature at the same rate

    I was 18 and I’m a lesbian so birth control wasn’t a worry

  10. Depends when you want to and when you know how to be safe. If losing your virginity is a huge deal to you, make sure it’s with someone you won’t regret in the future.

    I was 13, didn’t give a fuck about virginity and thought it was a stupid social construct, lost it to a one night stand at a high school party, had a great time. No regrets to this day. I have friends who lost it to boyfriends at 16-18 and regret it. It really depends on you as a person. Just be safe!

  11. When and IF you want to. Your personal virginity is your own business.
    Also, consensual and of legal age for all parties.

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