Why you should keep your life private at any cost?

  1. Define “any cost.”

    Should you keep your life private at the cost of having any romantic or platonic relationships? Probably not.

  2. to live peacefully. Nowadays people are so obsessed with having haters and being better than others, I find it a waste of time. why don’t we love each other?…

  3. I look at it as a cost/benefit analysis. Is there any benefit to sharing certain information with others? What are the potential costs? Most of the time there are little to no benefits, and are potential costs. It isn’t worth it.

  4. To protect your peace

    There are a lot of insecure unhappy and negative people with bad intentions out there, snakes in the grass. Publicizing everything you do just gives them ammo

  5. You gotta keep people wondering. They shouldn’t know everything about you. Like at work, there was an older guy who seriously thought I won the lottery because I had a new diesel truck, big 3000sqft house, because I was always traveling (I went to Ireland, Honduras, Belize), he knew my wife wasn’t working, and I was making less than him. I was making $18 an hour. He was making $23. He just couldn’t figure it out. It was funny to me because we had gotten out of work and I went to pump diesel at a gas station and he cornered me and asked me how do I do it. How do I afford all this? He still doesn’t know.

  6. You hear those “10000 peoples accounts have hacked. Look if you might be one of them” things? That’s why

  7. The two secrets to success are as follows:

    1. Never tell anyone everything you know.



  8. Because I don’t want people coming in and fucking with everything and putting their filthy hands all over everything and shitting on all my hopes and dreams. I can’t stand people

  9. Metaphysically, you have little control over most aspects of your life. Personal privacy is one of the few areas where you can actually exercise a certain amount of personal agency.

    Practically, when your personal and private life start to blend together too much, problems in one start to impact the other.

  10. Information is power.

    The more they know about you, the more power they have over you.

    ‘They’ in this context being literally anyone.

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