I have been dating my girlfriend for 2 months now and we’ve always been open and honest with each other

We made plans to go somewhere the day I suspected her of cheating on me and while we were discussing our plans on the phone at night someone called her at 12:30 AM, she refused to tell me who it was and when she called me back after an hour she told me that she can’t hang with me because she needs to go somewhere with her aunt WTF she never mentioned that prior to the call

The next morning I went to her house to talk and we ended up kissing and touching and I noticed that she shaved down there for the first time in our 2 month relationship

When I left her house I went home to do something with my family and I called her an hour after and she never answered my call, she ignored my calls and text throughout the entire day for the first time in our 2 month relationship and I when I asked her why?, she said she was having a mental episode and couldn’t talk. I don’t believe it

When I confronted her about it she had a nervous breakdown saying that im calling her a cheater and a liar but when I told her to tell me what she did with her aunt she was stuttering and thinking to herself as if the story she was telling was completely made up

What do you guys think? shouldn’t I have the right to be suspicious about her behavior? it seems like she’s trying to gaslight me

  1. Yeah I would break up with her. It’s only been two months and there are a ton of red flags in your story. She definitely did something and now she’s lying and hiding it.

    Edit:. You know what, after seeing some other comments, I read the OP again, and I changed my mind. I think she’s telling the truth. This sounds more like a family emergency than cheating. The order of events is she shaved before receiving the call from the aunt. She was most likely getting ready for the day her and OP had plans for. Then she gets the call and everything flips, something bad happens in the family, and now her BF is accusing her of cheating. OP, you should maybe give this some time and see how it plays out.

  2. You do not need to be suspicious.
    Need to be single and send her ass to the streets that call her name.

    Why go thru any of it.
    It is clear you don’t trust her anyway

  3. Don’t waste anymore time and just ghost her. Trust your gut before you trust her lie that she trying to put together now. But it doesn’t matter. There’s no trust in this relationship and already causing you drama. So move on.

  4. For all the idiots trying to defend the girl are weird af to me. He’s not saying “she cheated bc she shaved” no he suspects because of multiple valid points!

    1)random aunt calls at 1am in the morning (might be sus might be not but let’s continue)

    2)sees in the morning being slightly sexual and notices shaven (alright when you add 2 and 2 together little eyebrow raise but again let’s continue more)

    3) she said she has to go with her aunt right okay she could’ve went after meeting with boyfriend. When he finally does reach her and asks where you’ve been. She never said “I was with my aunt” she said “I had a mental break down can’t talk”

    5) branching off 4 if she had something to do with her aunt…when did she go with her aunt she never mentioned it again after that phone call. Why would she have a mental break down all day long after just seeing her boyfriend out of nowhere.

    6)when he asked her “hey what’s been going on actually” “what did you do with your aunt” she can’t give an answer then proceeds to cry

    So yes breaking this down she definitely cheated and feels the guilt. Because who tf would cry and have a break down if someone asks “what did you do with your aunt” after you told them you have to do something with your aunt! 💀

    Take the L dude and move on

  5. Your relationship is 2 months old, it is not worth the drama. This is the honeymoon phase and yet you’re being hit with suspicious behaviour already? Leave her bro it isn’t going to get better, only worse.

  6. “Hey, how was your aunt?”

    “You’re trying to gaslight me! You think I’m a cheater!”

    “Well, I guess that statement makes me do, yeah.”

    Dump her

  7. Time to break up. She pretty much admitted already from the way she acted. You don’t need to know the details to get out.

  8. Nah – she’s not worth the time & mental stress. Chalk it up to an 8 week learning experience of what you do NOT want in a relationship. Break it off quickly and cleanly & don’t look back.

  9. She did not shave down therefor you. Sorry but she did that for some one else. Walk away. She is not ready for you.

  10. Tell her she needs to work on becoming a more convincing liar before she gets a new boyfriend, then block.

  11. Too much bullshit..,especially for 2 months in. Get out now while it’s easy. Do not have sex with this woman again.

  12. Oof yeah….it doesn’t look good my friend. Obviously we don’t know for sure if she cheated but it’s all very unreasonably suspicious. It’s only been 2 months and there is already drama and these problems. Save yourself the trouble and end it now instead of later on when it’s worse.

  13. Erm- her aunt definitely didn’t need her to shave her pussy and come over in the middle of the night.

  14. Maaan, its 2 months. Go about your life and if she calls, tell her you don’t have time for liars THEN hang up and block her.

  15. “2 months and we’ve always been open and honest”

    2 months is not long enough to know this.

  16. She might not have cheated but she lied. So, trust is gone.

    The fact that she shaved her vag is damning but not proof.

    The fact that she lied to you is beyond question.

    Go with your gut; why did she lie? If you can find out that, and you’re ok with the reason, keep that in mind when she lies to you over and over again later…

    …because she will.

    Cheating isn’t the only dealbreaker. Dishonesty instead of “It’s not something I can share with you yet, please trust me” absolutely should be a dealbreaker.

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