I’ve (F25) never dated any one before or even kissed anyone and I just can’t understand how and where people meet.

I’ve jumped from 5 different retail jobs and met no one

I went to both college for 2 years and University for 3 years and I still haven’t met any one

I’ve tried online dating but I just can’t feel the connection, I find it difficult to get a feel for someone through a screen ( and some bad past online experiences make me anxious to talk to people )

Some people have been interested in me but I never felt the same way

I work freelance from my home so I don’t get to meet anyone and I’m starting to feel like a lost cause. I looked for single meet ups in local areas but I don’t find any results.

I’m not really sure where to go from here? Any advice?

  1. I hear ya. It can seem impossible especially when you’re working from home. Do you have any hobbies/interests you could share? I might be able to make some recommendations from that

    Tinder/Bumble is the easy route but if you’re looking for a real connection you may have to weed through quite a few matches.

  2. Oh my god, you’re me, except that I’ve been the one who was interested in people but they didnt feel the same. I’m not sure what to tell you except that you’re not the only 25 year old woman in this situation!

  3. not saying this is your case and im not particularly proud of this, but back in like early 2018 or some shit, Fortnite was popping off and I wanted to try it out. I was 24 at the time, but everyone I met was a literal child playing the game. So I found a couple of discord communities for adults playing video games since that’s a hobby of mine. I met a bunch of cool people (surprisingly the dudes to girls ratio wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be).

    I actually went out with the one girl that was within driving distance. Honestly she didn’t look like her pictures (pictures were a bit old, she had gained a considerable amount of weight since she took them). Physical attraction is the only reason I didn’t try for a second date, but honestly it would have been quite the story had it worked.

  4. Download bumble and use BFF to make friends then while out socialising you can ask your new friends how to flirt with the person you like the look of…then when you feel more confident switch to date on bumble and go on dates!

  5. Retail jobs are actually bad as you often end up attracting creeps if you smile at everyone.

    College and Uni are okay if you get labs and stuff and use it for social stuff rather than studying. But if you go in just to study and avoid dating and not much will come of it.

    Online dating is difficult unless you’re like 8/10 or higher.

    You may be able to develop a hobby that requires meeting people in real-life.

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