I’m (M28) doing all the right things, getting an education, going to therapy, working hard at my job, and I still get rejected all the time. Getting a first date isn’t difficult for me, it’s turning that into a relationship. At some point it stops feeling like a numbers game, and a personal rejection of who you are.

  1. >going to therapy,

    >a personal rejection of who you are.

    Sure. What are you in therapy for? If it’s anxiety/depression and/or PTSD, you may have low self-esteem, low self-confidence which can be very offputting, something a would be partner is not going to knowingly embrace or welcome imo.

  2. If you’re able to get first dates easily, then the hardest part is done. Why are you having trouble getting further? Too clingy maybe?

  3. > Getting a first date isn’t difficult for me

    Then stop being so hard on yourself and start filtering opportunities and focusing more on what you want. If you’re getting the first date, you’re passing the smell test. If you’re not getting a second, you’re getting dates with people you’re not compatible with.

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