i feel so sad and pathetic over this guy

so i (24F) made a post a while ago about how can i get over a guy (23M) who broke my heart. long story short: he knew i liked him and asked me for a kiss, we kissed, and a couple of weeks later i told him how i felt…he turned me down and i was okay with it. a couple of months later he told me he wanted to kiss me again but i turned him down.

he seemed interested in me since then so a couple of weeks after i gave in and kissed him and we made out, it was nice. but then he told me he didn’t really like me and that he was afraid he would cheat on me if we got into a relationship but wanted to remain friends. i was fine with that, you can’t always get what you want *mick jagger singing*
he basically ghosted me after that. so to get over him i unfollowed on social media but he didn’t. i even blocked him from my instagram stories. today i checked his story on instagram and IMMEDIATELY he blocked me from seeing his story…

i admit i got a little bit upset and deleted him from my followers (we share a close group of friends *sigh*). i don’t know what to do now…i am still in love with him and i think he hates me now… do you think our friendship can recover from this some day? i don’t know what to think. was deleting him/unfollowing him an asshole move?
please tell me everything will be ok i feel so pathetic and shitty, wow.

tdlr: i unfollowed and deleted my crush from instagram and we share a nice group of friends.

EDIT: i posted the story a couple of weeks ago on this sub if you are interested you can check my profile. i can’t put links on this post

  1. Not sure why you are so enamored with someone who cant seem to decide what they want. Is he really such a prize? Even if he is physically attractive, it sounds like he plays a lot of head games. Is that the kind of relationship you want? Why not look for someone who is more certain that they want to be with you as much as you want to be with them?

  2. I think that he is breadcrumbing you. Keeps you on the hook but with no commitment from him

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