Im 14 f and in sophomore year of highschool. I have several female friends but no male friends unless you count my little brothers (m 12) friends. i find guys my age attractive and intimidating so its hard for me to talk to them. i start being nervous and super attracted to them and being really quiet. if im paired up with a guy one on one im quiet and can barely talk. but if im with a guy and there are guys and girls present i can talk fine. i can also talk to guys when my friend(s) are with me. basically i cant approach any guys in my classes or outside my classes if im alone. i really want to talk to this guy in my geometry class because i overheard him talk about a videogame i like to his friend. but i couldnt join in the conversation because i was nervous and scared of being awkward

  1. Just know- they’re probably feeling the same thing. The trick is to encourage THEM to talk and relax…. Conversation is a skill, approach it as something to practice…👍🏻

  2. It’s okay if your mind goes blank! It happens to me too! I try to intertwine it with the conversation! E.g. what happens if you go into battle with “no armor”? What happens or what do you feel like if “you run out of insulin” when eating? If you went to the movies with “no money”, how would you manage to watch the movie you want to see? I think we encourage the thought that creativity is always easy when sometimes it’s just not, and we shouldn’t do that. It’s completely valid to feel uninspired because that gives you opportunities to grow self-discipline!

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