Im getting married and I am very tired.

I don’t know how people seem so happy and excited but this feels like a really big chore. It’s like construction going on in your house. I might be happy about outfit, photoshoots but this is honestly exhausting.

Whenever I tell people I’m getting married they get all happy and they get worried when they see my exhausted face. I am supposed to be happy.

I live with my partner and I don’t think anything is going to change in our relationship if we are married or not. This is such a huge burden I’m putting on for the society and family.

Ya it’s a small wedding and all. There is no better way to describe this other than a burden.

Burden to prepare wedding invite, then formally inviting people. Making sure they are not bored and they are enjoying events. Useless money spent on decorations, etc. Taking time off from work and putting that extra stress on. No we are not going for our honeymoon. Not because we didn’t get holidays, because wedding is going to be exhausting enough already, who wants to plan another trip

I don’t think I’ll do this but I am fantasizing about faking that I tested positive for Covid so that all events get cancelled. I won’t have to experience all social anxiety, annoying relatives, useless cultural rituals and wont have to live with in-laws for a few days after getting married (in our culture, you go live at in law’s house for a few days when you get married).

  1. This is why we eloped!!

    That and the cost. Big yikes. We went to New Orleans, got married at a funky little chapel, and then spent the week there for our honeymoon. Best decision EVER.

    We had a big cookout at our house for family and friends about a month later. I wouldn’t change a single thing 💚

  2. Why people think their relationship will change for better after they get married I’ll never understand. It won’t. My fiance and i Ieft our home in Australia in July 2019 for the states + we came back in September 2019 for our wedding and flew back to the usa within days. It was the most stressful period in my life I was up day and night freaking out organising + approving last minute details. It consumed me bc I let it consume me. When the day finally came the weather for an outdoor wedding couldn’t of been better + when we were doing photos he told me how proud he was of me pulling this off and how it was the best day of his life💞I felt his stress and anxiety lift away and take mine with it. For what started as a nervous stressed out day turned into a beautiful party

  3. Is your husband helping at all?

    When we got married, after 14 years and a child. It was a case of she told me we were getting married.

    The most we spent was food and entertainment. But that was because we wanted to entertain the children. We got a science group to come and do experiments with the children.

    The food was finger foods and the cakes, we bought way too many. But it was a great day, except my family.

    Yeah it can be a burden. It’s exhausting but he does need to help out as well.

    We didn’t do formal invitation. Mostly it was emails to people or verbally. We had 20-30 people max.

    Overall it was very informal. No bridesmaids or groomsmen, no bucks / hen parties. A celebrant, not at a church. Afternoon no formal sit down dinners.

    The ceremony was all of 10mins. The rest of the time was trying to talk to everyone.

  4. I couldn’t stop the overwhelming feeling like you described so I chose to let it consume me and feed off it. I probably would of felt like you.are even if I was at home but it was crazy being on the other other side of the world dealing with it so I can tell you once the day is underway you’ll feel so much lighter + thrilled✌️

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