What male trait drives you crazy and why? Can be in a good way or bad.

  1. Bad trait: not understanding woman’s hormonal changes

    Good trait (that in my experience is very rare to find): Protectiveness, when I experience it it’s such a turn on.

  2. Lacking sensibility/common sense. Like when it comes to doing stupid shit that they know will end in pain but they do it anyways

  3. It drives me crazy in the bad way when I want to talk about my feelings, or something they did to upset me, and they resort to starting to explain why I’m wrong. I’m clearly not in the mindset to do so, and it doesn’t help the problem if they make it a you against me thing. That’s my absolute deal-breaker. Why can’t those kind of men just take the time to try to understand what’s wrong first? It’s honestly beyond me

    It drives me crazy in a good way when they can be proud of me for the effort I put into things opposed to the outcome. On some days, it takes a lot out of me to just take a shower, and it feels genuinely amazing that they’d be able to feel proud just knowing that it was hard for me. Another thing is believing in me, that even if I’m acting strange or upset, they always give me the benefit of the doubt to clear things up when I’m feeling better.

  4. The man-look

    That they can’t find that *thing* even if you give the most specific instructions on where it is

  5. Crazy pro: protectiveness, understanding, emotional intelligence.

    Crazy con: selfishness, ego, lying.

  6. Lack of willingness to participate in daily household duties/care for their own children. Huge negative and instantly kills all romantic attraction. With this is also weaponized incompetence. Men who wash dishes but leave them greasy, put dirty dishes away, don’t clean the countertops etc.

  7. In a bad way obvs:

    Allowing their ego to get in the way of having a fair conversation. The inability to admit that they might be wrong or that they might not have all the information yet. Second guessing women’s and non binary people’s real lived experiences. Using “devil’s advocate” as a mask to express problematic views and undermine others.

  8. Specially online but not necessarily, when they refer to you by nicknames like babe, boo, etc thinking that will somehow soften you and you will be more receptive towards their flirting.

  9. A good trait is how endearing they can be without knowing why they’re evoking that response in me.

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