Do you ever feel pressured to date just because you are suppose to?

  1. College, met a guy through a friend and we hit it off, he was into the same video games I was and so we played a lot, eventually dated

    We dated for a looong time but eventually I broke up with him for a few reasons, he got addicted to League of Legends

    Started pissing in bottles and gaining LOTS of weight, he stopped sexually pleasing me and ignored me for online friends, when I realized I was more like his mother rather than his girlfriend I broke up with him

    Cried for a looong time but then realized I was better off.

  2. I’m in my first relationship now at 25/26.

    And yeah there was pressure to date. Always dreaded family get togethers when they ask where my boyfriend was or why I don’t have anyone. Like thanks, rub it in. College was an extremely lonely and difficult time for me, so it hurt.

  3. I’ll be at the very least 33.

    Never felt any sort of societal pressure to be in a relationship specifically (having kids, on the other hand…). Sure, I’ve had family members ask at gettogethers, and I’m sure they’ve been wondering and talking behind my back, because let’s face it: It *is* uncommon and strange to be 30+ with no relationship experience at all. That’s fine, and I get if people are confused and concerned, especially since my state is involuntarily. But still, I’ve never felt pressured to not be single.

    I’m lonely, and I wish I could get to share life with a loving partner, but I really don’t feel like societal norms is what makes me feel that way.

  4. I was 17, we split when I was 24. It was not a healthy relationship at all but it’s hard to get past it and try to move on. Haven’t been in a relationship since

  5. First relationship middle school but it didn’t last a week. My first serious relationship was high school from end of sophomore year to almost graduating.

  6. ik yall are gonna be like “you were too young it wasn’t serious” but this relationship fucked me up big time.

    I was 13 and met her in my school, she was 15. I had some venting account on insta and she found it and dm’ed me and from there we were friends, we hung out after school sometimes and text and she flirted a lotttt. She was also recently broken up with some guy we’ll call J. We first kissed a little after my 14th bday I think we went on a “date” in the woods to stay hidden from my dad. After that she was really sexual she’d slap my butt and randomly make out with me, give me hickies or make me give her them, we’d have sleepovers all the time and hangout everyday with our friend group. She pressured me into dating 2 other girls in that group when I didn’t want to. She constantly jumped from me, to new guy, to me, to new guy, to me… get the point haha.
    At some point throughout this i became good friends with my older cousin L(m) and his friend S(f), when she hung out with us was rude and acted entitled and my cousin would always insult her and say bad stuff about her, planned an attack on her house and shit and I had to tell her to stay inside she literally laughed at me and was like “they won’t do anything “(believe me they would’ve)

    Not long after this me and S ran away to a city and got arrested lmfao, I ended up in the hospital for 8 days cus they decided my MH was bad and wanted to monitor me or smth. I didn’t speak to her at all after that and another while after that me and S weren’t talking to L anymore (still dont), a little while later I saw on a mutual friends story that they were all cuddled up and shit so im like ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ ew…anyways, these pics keep popping up every other day so I ask the friend (R) and she’s like yeah they’re dating. R was moving back to her home country and I was gonna go see her before she left for the airport and she ignored me the whole time and was posting pics with them again.

    So anyways then obviously she meets my family and most of them already know her as my “friend” but some of them knew like ๐Ÿ‘€ yknow they knew. I was like 16 at this point btw. My dad hates her, my nan, my aunt, my cousin do aswell but they put up with her for a reason that ill say in a second.
    For some context this girl went from goth/emo icon, real cute and good style nice hair and makeup etc etc, after getting with my cousin she turned into a total roadman wannabe, the poses in the insta pics, doing coke all the time, the dirty tracksuits the whole thing! ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    So it was no surprise when my mum called me a year and a bit later telling me she’s pregnant! ๐Ÿ’€ Yeah, my ex, pregnant, with my cousins baby.

    I still find it so icky but like enjoy i guess. It’s funny because on their Facebook there’s pictures of everyone BUT my cousin holding the baby…yknow his child ๐Ÿ˜ญ. He’s in the pics but he’s just awkwardly standing there. Anyways sorry for the ramble ๐Ÿ’€

    EDIT: I forgot to mention the times she stopped being friends with me when I had a crush on J and he flirted back, even tho she just broke up with me for some other guy she just met

  7. I fell hard for a guy when I was 18. He was absolutely bad news and broke my heart a few times within a couple of years. But that was my training heart. The guy I was with from 19-24, we had some legit thrills, but mostly he decided we were star-crossed, destiny intended, end game lovers and was too big and brawly to push it. Then from 28 until he passed a month and a half ago, I’m 36 now, I was with the most unlikely of fellows who loved me from his core, absolutely, uninhibitedly, unconditionally, just purely loved the mess that is me.

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