I’ll start:

– Getting up in the early hours to go to the loo, then coming back to bed and re-spooning with your other half.

– Drinking a cup of tea in the garden

– Taking a Friday afternoon off and going for a pint at lunch

Tell me things that are really nice.

*Edit: what a smashing bunch of lovely fluffiness you all are!*

  1. Fresh Bedding, Nice smelling cosmetics, Pastys, Fish and Chips, I mentioned this in another thread. Seeing your family fast asleep on the sofa basking in the glow of the wood stove when it’s snowing outside.

  2. Drinking tea in the garden, is something I do every morning at the quiet time, just before everyone starts going to work.

  3. For me not having to share a bed is much nicer than having to share with a partner.

    I really like when I’m awake early by choice and can watch the sun rise whilst the entire house is silent and dark. The noise of the cars just starting up and going to work mixed with the sound of the wind and birds and cool crisp morning air.

    The rain.

  4. Walking through a shady forest with a slight breeze and the dappled sun shining through the leaves.

  5. Autumn days where the grass is jewelled and the silk inside a chestnut shell. Jetplanes meeting in the air to be refuelled…

  6. Waking up feeling fresh on Saturday morning, having a full English, and looking forward to the football.

  7. – Getting off work on your last day before a holiday
    – Waking up naturally
    – Day drinking with pals

  8. When you get out of the shower in winter and put on underwear that you pre-warmed on the radiator.

    …bye bye heated underwear *sigh*…

  9. I am on day three camping in the garden with my eldest son. Woke up cuddling him to keep him warm. He’s 5 now and seeming to grow up fast. I don’t know how much longer camping with dad and cuddles will be the best thing ever. I wish I could bottle it for when I’m old and he’s big

  10. Snuggled in a blanket, listening to the rain outside, preferably with a SO and a cuppa.

    Soup and bread on a cold day.

    Clean bedding that’s been dried on the line.

  11. When you’ve been pegging for a piss for ages and not been able to go, then you finally get to go

  12. When I used to work night shifts it was glorious leaving work and walking home knowing that I was heading for bed whilst everyone I walked past was heading to work or school. It was great just enjoying a brisk walk home in the light but chilly morning feeling a sudden burst of energy but knowing that within seconds of hitting the pillow I would be fast asleep.

  13. When you wake up in the night and realise your alarm isn’t for ages so you get to roll over and go back to sleep.

    When you buy a treat for yourself and forget about it for a while so it’s like being surprised by someone
    Old stories you have with friends that have been told a thousand times but are still funny.

    Coming home to a warm house after a long walk on a cold day.

  14. Moving a cat off your lap to go pee, and then sitting back down and they curl up on your lap again

  15. Making a nice mug of hot chocolate and reading a good book by the fire. Right now it’s The Fellowship of the Ring

    Sitting in the garden on a hot summer’s day, playing with my dog while listening to the radio in the background.

    Setting some time aside on the weekend to have a little movie night by myself. Maybe treat myself to a few snacks and stay up late.

    I don’t drink or like going to the pub so most of my hobbies are ones I can enjoy alone. I’m perfectly ok with that. Life is whatever you make it

  16. My three year old grandson sitting beside me on the couch watching Fireman Sam and him reaching for my hand to hold.

  17. Taking your socks off in bed after a long day.

    Randomly hearing a song you haven’t heard in years.

    Paying off a debt.

    Seeing Man Utd lose.

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