So here I am asking for advice again. I (F21) am an awkward introvert with low social battery and have currently no other wish than acquire stronger social skills and improve as a human being overall.

So a few months ago I moved to a new city and decided to search for a job where I would be forced to interact a lot with people, as I heard that practice and exposure is the best way to make progress.
I finally got a job in a popular bakery/café, and me who wanted to be challenged, I got way more than I asked for. I have daily intensive contact with colleagues and thousand of clients. There are very often changes in the staff so I am meeting new people regularly, making tons of small talk, having to appear bubbly and positive and be energetic for 8 hours a day. You could call that introvert hell. But I’m putting myself through it because I won’t get such intense practice anywhere else.

But even with all that, after 4 months of working in these conditions, I feel like my social skills haven’t evolved a bit. I still feel stressed at the idea to interact with my colleagues on the way to work, even tho I know them, I still struggle to come up with anything to talk about during calmer periods, I still stumble over my words and am slow to come up with answers to playful jokes. I still have difficulties to have more extended interactions with clients than just the regular « hello » « anything else?» « have a nice day ».

I thought this experience would make me more confident and secure but it has been all the contrary. I get home frustrated, sad and beating myself up for not having been able to do better.

What am I doing wrong? I have the feeling that I will just stay the same my whole life sometimes.

  1. Well i think the uhhh…lets call it mistake (for lakc of a better word) was goign from 1 to 100 really quick. Being introverted is not somethign you can simply stop suddenly, is like if you never worked out and suddenly decided to start running 10 miles everyday, you are likely to get overwhelmed or hurt.

    Somethign else you should consider is…you probably have developed a lot of social skills on the way, you jsut dont notice cause a) youa re comparing yourself to people that are more extroverted or experienced than you or b)You see it as the norm now. You probably have developed a lot of social skills, goign to the “introverted hell” you go to daily cant be done without social skills

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