What’s your favorite way to consume chocolate?

  1. For some reason I love making chocolate molds for my siblings with candies inside. They love breaking it open and having a mess all over the counter.

  2. All ways. Chocolate bar, ice cream, hot chocolate, cocoa nibs, etc

    These days my favorite way is ice cream or hot chocolate. I used to like chocolate bars the best but after getting COVID last August they don’t taste the same

  3. I’m not sure if it’s weird but I take small bites (since I only eat dark chocolate), then s*ck it till it melts in my mouth. I never chew them and I don’t know why. Maybe because I just want to savor jt? And interestingly enough that’s what they told us when we did the chocolate tasting at Hershey World.

  4. I actually don’t like straight up chocolate. However I love brownies and chocolate syrup. Chocolate ice cream is in third place.

  5. Generally, a square or two of dark chocolate by Lindt (especially the one with caramel) with my coffee. But I also love the occasional Viennese hot chocolate with whipped cream in winter.

  6. I prefer chocolate flavoured foods to chocolate itself. Muffins, ice-cream, cake etc. Chocolate ice-cream is probably my favourite of the options though.

  7. I love Lindt, I’m actually obsessed, those come in ball form and bar form. I cannot get over them. However that being said, I don’t eat chocolate very often

  8. I like to melt the chocolate on a small plate and then eat it with a mini spoon.
    My mini spoons are smaller than teaspoons.

  9. As long as it doesn’t include nuts or coconut, all ways. Baked goods, dairy products, candy, alcohol, whatever. Just give chocolate pls.

  10. cup of coffee (no sugar), not too hot, drinkable temp.

    place a cube of chocolate in the mouth, let it sit there a bit, let it melt a bit on the tongue & really taste that delicious creamyness. take your time.

    Take a swig of that coffee.

    you’re welcome.

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