We’ve (F19, M19) been in a relationship for around 3 months but exclusive for 6, madly in love with eachother. We live 2 hours drive apart and my parents are really strict about relationships and boys so we decided it’s a good time for me to meet his parents and stay there for around 2 days (instead of our usual 5 so it doesn’t feel like i’m overstaying my first time) instead of booking a hotel or finding another place to stay for our meet up. He usually comes down to my student house but I’ve left and will be staying home for the second year of University. He hasn’t told his parents yet about me but was going to the day before I came over, I think he should tell them atleast a few days before I come over so it isn’t too fresh for them. I also feel like I should talk to them on the phone or something to grasp the vibe between us but I’m not sure, kinda nervous lol. Any advice would be appreciated!

tl;dr meeting my ldr bf’s parents for the first time, not sure how to approach it

1 comment
  1. If you’re planning on staying at the house he shares with his parents it’s pretty unreasonable to wait until a couple of days before you’re supposed to be there before he tells them. And it should really be *asking* for permission rather than *telling* them anyway, you’re both adults, but it’s still their house isn’t it?! The sooner he asks the better in my opinion.

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