So i [19M] dated a [18F] i broke up with her after a misunderstanding , during this period she slept around in order to cope with me breaking up with her. The thing is we have remained in touch and i still have feelings for her and she has feelings for me too. I do not hate her for what she did but i cant stop feeling immense shame , sadness , anger exc.

I am not sure how to go forward even though our relationship is stable again. I need some advice and opinions

  1. I mean, she took the decision to sleep around with other people. It’s ur decision to accept her as is and try to fix things or move-on.

    Of course moving-on would take time but so would accepting she’s been and might still be sleeping with other people.

    If you can’t help but feel uneasy abt her having slept with others, probably don’t go back. Despite your attraction for her, you should move-on and give it time to heal.

    Otherwise, forgive her, talk to her, come to new agreements to make ur relationship work and try it once more

  2. She didn’t do anything wrong, she should probably just move in from you and cut contact. Hey, you could be a good guy here and move on without trying to be her friend, because yer not. If you keep this up it’s just going to feel like what she did was cheating. Which it wasn’t. So instead of having all these bad feelings, maybe just let it go.

  3. I wouldn’t go for it since your on here her sexual escapades will weigh heavy on your mind and likely be the cause of the next break up. It’s sad people are judging her on here for what she did as a single women. My main reason for saying avoid it y’all are young and you can finds someone that doesn’t cause you so much anxiety at the start of the relationship.

  4. This is a you problem. Either let it go or do her the favor of letting her go, because she (and the relationship) shouldn’t be burdened by your insecurities over this.

  5. Ok kid. There’s no reason to go back. You broke up with her and she decided to sleep around. She didn’t cheat on you, but she still slept with multiple guys.

    Best thing you can do.. Tell her that while you still have feelings for her and she will always be a part of you, you can’t be with her. What she did after you two broke up, while not cheating and she didn’t do anything wrong, still sticks with you and you don’t want to be with a girl like that.

    Wish her all the best I’m life and love. Then ghost her. No contact. It will hurt, but you’ll get over it and you will both be better for this.

    Good luck

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