What keeps you going with life despite being alone? I’ve been single now for more than 5 yrs and life is starting to get really lonely

  1. I’m used to it, been single 3 years, before that I was single maybe 10, seen women here & there but nothing official, it gets lonely, boring, especially on a Friday & Saturday night, live in a small town, most of my friends are married or in relationships, so I don’t have people to head out with to pubs & meet others, online dating isn’t real flash around here either, so yeah… 👎🏻

  2. I’ve been single for last 14 years. Well I have family, friends and pets.

    There is always porn and stuff like IG to jerk off.

  3. I jack off /s

    I’ve lived by myself for more than 7 years now. I have friends, family and acquaintances that I talk to. I’m not isolated, but it’s easy for me to create space when I need it – and I find I need it more frequently than some other people.

    Part of it is simple inertia, I guess. It’s easier to keep going than it is to “stop”, which is a morbid thought to me at least. I also notice my life is improving incrementally.

  4. Loneliness is a mindset. “If you’re lonely while alone, you are in bad company”.

    Get on with your current hobbies or find new ones, always a helpful way to meet new people and friends

  5. I work during the week, then exercise in the evenings. That fills the time most weeknights. Weekends are a bit trickier, and I’m still trying to figure out how to fill those empty hours.

    The only time it really hits is when work forces me to take vacation. Because I work so much, I bank a lot of overtime, and at some point the higher-ups notice and force me to take time off. But it’s like, yeah, ding dong, don’t you think if I wanted to take vacation I would? I don’t *want* to, because all it will do is force me to deal with what I’ve given up for my career, and it’ll kill me if I stare at it too long. Work is all I *have.* Don’t take it away by forcing time off on me. Like today. They forced me to take today off, so now I have to find some way to fill 4 days, instead of 3. I’m just thankful I have some stuff for work I can do offline to catch up, and maybe get ahead for a change.

  6. Loneliness.. I drink beer, smoke weed, spend some time “socializing” on the interwebs.. have coffee with friends.. talk with close family.. interact with my cat.. watch movies, play video games, go to work.. etc, etc.. I rarely get that lonely percé..

  7. I’ve been single for around 8-9 years. I help coach my nephews baseball team, play in 2 different men’s wooden bat leagues, have friends I hangout with regularly, play a little poker and workout. So I just stay busy. I get lonely from time to time but not very often

  8. Got widowed in 2002. Been single ever since. Your only as lonely as you want to be.

    I’ve got friends, family, have dated when I want to, worked on hobbies and just explored things that interested me.

    Stop with the pity party, get up and go explore life mate. There is an entire world out there.

  9. My ex was extremely abusive, and it’s been hard to recover from the damage she caused me. I try to keep my mind busy by gaming, watching sports, working out and building Legos – a hobby my terrible ex wanted me to quit because it’s”for kids”. Fuck that, Legos are cool. For the most part, I do alright dealing with loneliness. But I really wish I had someone to share my life with.

  10. A little lonely: hop on the “hangout” voice chat room on my go-to Discord server

    Moderately lonely: text some friends and see if anyone wants to get together

    Lonely: drop by my parents’ or sibling’s house to hang out or have dinner

  11. A ton of porn and daydreaming. I put myself to sleep while listening to a video or livestream while hugging a body pillow.

  12. Do stuff you like, read, take a walk, go into nature, masturbate violently, eat outside, meet friends, meet hookers, drink unresponsibly, get a dodge ram, masturbate outside, get into sports, workout, get an addiction, get therapy, enjoy yourself.

  13. Been single for 5 years now. I’ve been working on my job, hitting gym, play videogames, listen to music, cook. I’m a busy man. But at the end of the day it is a lonely night.

  14. By realizing that a lot of women are really garbage people that will only subtract from your life.

  15. as an older guy who has been in a bad marriage and has now been single for several years: I’m totally cool with it.

    I know when you’re younger and don’t have a girlfriend it seems like that makes you a total fucking loser and like getting one will fix everything, but it just doesn’t. It feels really good for a couple months, then it just becomes the norm, and new, even more stressful problems replace them.

    Kind of like before you could drive, it seemed like if you could just get a car everything would be great – and it was, for a little bit, but then it was just your car, and now you have to pay for gas, oil changes, insurance registration, maintenance and repairs, and have to have a better job to pay for it and less discretionary money for other things, etc. The car stops being a source of satisfaction, and just becomes an established fact of life.

    Mo money mo problems, same with women.

    I now have the perspective that good relationship > being single > bad relationship. Thanks to the perspective of experience, I don’t find being single lonely, it’s peaceful. I love doing what I want, when I want. I’m still open to a good relationship if one comes along, but it has to be better than being single, which is gonna be tough.

    My advice? Talk to older guys who have been around the block, they will set you straight and help you see the MANY good parts of being single. That finding a girlfriend isn’t a cheat code to the good life. I’m not advocating for you to be single for life, it’s not the ideal situation, being in a great relationship is. But nor is it the nightmare situation – being in a bad relationship is. Being single is neutral, not a worst-case scenario boogeyman to avoid at all costs.

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