What’s a place you loved visiting but would never come back to again?

  1. I’d say Washington DC because it’s embarrassingly ghetto for our nations capital.

    But I barely got to see the Smithsonian so I need to get out there one more time

  2. San Francisco. Someone needs to burn that place to the ground. I loved going there as a kid and the food is great. Everything else needs to be killed with fire.

  3. Mexico. Mostly because of Central Mexico. The forests are amazing but I can’t stomach the poverty of the residents. It hurts to see.

  4. Hawaii was super cool but it’s expensive and after a week I feel like I have a good idea as to what it’s about.

  5. Vienna. It’s a very nice city, great for a 3-5 days trip but I can’t even imagine what else I could do there above what I already did when I was there. Plus, it has a really geriatric vibe.

  6. Luton. It’s a shit hole. Although marsh farm ain’t as bad as a lot of people make out, lewsey is what you wanna avoid.

  7. The everglades. Did a boat tour there, and loved every second. Would NOT go there again, because I took 4 steps onto a walking trail and was IMMEDIATELY swarmed by biting yellow flies, mosquitoes, and hornets. In the 2 seconds it took me to open my rental car door, get in, and slam it, there were 5 yellow flies and idk how many mosquitoes.

    This was while I was covered in deep woods OFF. Fuck the everglades, it can burn. (That part is a joke. The everglades are a necessary biome and it should be protected at all costs)

  8. Disney Land. Saw it when I was 9. And even as a 9 year old nearly 30 years ago I thought it cost to much.

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