I accidentally hooked up with a friend last week for my first time. It was nice and fun and we decided to make this an ongoing thing. However, she hadn’t been tested in a long time and she was quite experienced. We both agreed to go get tested after this before doing it again. She just got tested yesterday. My appointment is early next week.

That being said, my first time was awkward. While it was an accidental hookup, our conversations were leaning sexually for the past few weeks including her posturing the idea of sleeping together at one point. I had a weird feeling that if anything happened, I should be ready, so I bought condoms from the drug store and brought some with me. Didn’t care which. Just got the one on sale. I did try one on at home to test it out, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. However, when I put it on with her, not to long after we started, I felt a weird numbness in my penis. I still could feel her and some sensation, but I felt like 70% of my feeling down there was gone and everytime I was about to cum, it wouldn’t come out, so I never finished… Though she kept saying had a hell of a fun time with me and my numb tick.

I looked it up and apparently it might be one of those “last longer” types of condoms that numbs your dick a lot so you’re not so quick? In any case, it was annoying how my first time didn’t feel like I had hoped, even though I enjoyed it.

Here’s the thing. The numbness lasted all night. Since then my Penis has been feeling weird. It’s been a week and still feels like the feeling down there hasn’t returned 100%. Aside from that, I remember after we slept together I went to pee. Pee felt harder to push out then. It still does. It feels like there’s a minor obstruction in my dick and it feels warm inside there regularly, like there ‘s a really warm long tube in it. Pee comes out warm and like it’s not rolling out smoothly and yesterday while I was sleeping I felt a minor burning sensation which bothered me.

Since this has been lasting a week, I’ve been concerned, especially since I want to be able to actually feel her and cum next time. I’ve been concerned that I might have picked up something from her, like Gonerrea or Chlamydia, or got a Urinary Tract Infection. However, looking back, all of those things take time to infect you and don’t necessarily show up immediately. All of the symptoms I’ve been having started… The moment I put on the condom. It was a Latex condom. She also wondered at the time if the numbness meant I was allergic, so sow I’m wondering if I have a latex allergy.

I’m getting all of this checked out when I see my Doctor next week, but I’m just concerned and wondering why the fuck my penis is suddenly failing me the moment I finally have sex. It still doesn’t feel right. It’s not painful, but it’s constant and unpleasant now.

Has anyone gone through a similar situation? Am I going crazy?

  1. Although STIs are possible, it seems unlikely. The more likely scenario is you had an adverse reaction to the numbing agent or just as likely you’re having a psychosomatic reaction and you think it’s still numb when it’s not.

    Either way you should check it out with the doctor, but I wouldn’t worry about STIs as much as I would worry about latex allergy or chemical reaction to the numbing agent.

  2. Sorry didn’t see the part where you did buy the one with numbing. Yes if its burning you might be allergic to latex.

  3. Your experience sounds abnormal, yes. I’m wondering if you have an allergy to the condom or to the numbing agent? You could try buy a box of condoms without the numbing agent and rubbing it against your wrist for a bit. If all is well, you can try it on your dick as well. I’d wait until your dick feels normal again before you try that though.

  4. The most likely explanation is that you;re very sensitive to the the active ingredient that numbed your penis.

    >Trojan Extended Pleasure Climax Control Lubricated Condoms Active Ingredient: Benzocaine (4%).

    You should look at the packaging to see what’s the active ingredient in the condoms that you used. You should also bring the box of condoms to your doctor’s appointment. It’s possible but not very likely that you have an STD, It’s not very likely because you used a condom. You should ask your doctor to test you for STDs. You should also ask your friend to get tested for STDs,

  5. The numbing agent is probably lidocaine, the same thing they inject in your gums before drilling on your teeth. You’ll survive but you just need to fuck more to get your cock back in condition!

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