
right now I’m trying to start a new life for me. New city, new hobbies, new Job. One of my Hobbies is Politics. That’s why I joined the KPD (Communist Party of Germany) I was at least three times there and the talking in that meetings is really interesting and I can even speak on that group settings. But when it comes down to talk face to face with a other person I don’t really now what to talk about. Moreover when we speak about a subject, it’s happens regularly that there are pauses of 10 seconds between every Dialog. For me it feels pretty akward and strange. Maybe it’s because they are strangers to me and I don’t have enough trust or I’m straight up boring.

But what would you say? Maybe I’m to boring or have a lack of social skills

Thank you for any reply in advance

P.S.: Klara, if you reading this, please pick up the phone. I didn’t talk to the kids for three months

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