You earn $1000 for every person you annoy. What’s the fastest way to become a billionaire?

  1. Post on any marvel subreddit about She-Hulk lol. Literally any mention of the show- positive or negative- and you’ll annoy a thousand people immediately

  2. Drive in LA everyday. Then once you have enough money buy a billboard here. Billionaire in like a month.

  3. Walk around a crowded place with an article of clothing stating a loyalty contrary to the local preference. Wear a Packers jersey to a Bears home game. Or a MAGA hat to a Democratic national convention. It doesn’t require interaction with individuals, just for people to see you.

  4. I’m a feminist, vegetarian and more left-leaning than not, so I think I’d be doing pretty good as is.

  5. Saw a dumb shit teenager with 8 giant boat speakers on the bed of his truck driving through a parking lot blaring rap.

    I think that’s the route I’d go here haha

  6. “Do you believe in Gods?”🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿💴💶💷💸💱💰💱💶💳💲💳💴💶💰🤑🤑🤑🤑🫰🫰🤑

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