Men of Reddit; what fictional character would be a good role model for men?

  1. Gerault of Rivia, but only if he chooses Yenn over Triss. After sleeping with Triss, of course

  2. Uncle Iroh, Atticus Finch, Jean-Luc Picard (the old version, not this Fake Picard they have now)

    There are many. Fewer from modern shows but they can be found.

  3. Ron Swanson…..a flawed man but wow….he let Diane’s daughters paint his nails, put makeup on him, and turn him into a princess.

  4. Zuko from Avatar. You won´t make everything perfect. You will make mistakes. These are part of your journey of becoming a good person.

  5. Guts from Berserk. He goes to the ends of the earth and underworld for the love of his life nearly sacrificing himself completely because he loves her witnessing her rape…that is the love I want to have for the woman of my dreams

  6. Rocky.

    Sylvester Stallone captured the heroes journey and the seasons of a man life beautifully in the story of a man who overcame the odds by staying true to himself.

    Rocky answered the call, triumphed and fell several times, lost everything, rebuilt himself through hard work and perseverance, kept trusting people despite being betrayed several times, easily moved between steely determination and sensitive vulnerability, was a man of unwavering vision and purpose, lived by a strict moral code.

    He protected and loved his friends and family, respected women, learnt not to be distracted by the trappings of success, believed in himself even when others didn’t, understood who he was and stayed grounded and authentic to that, matured as a friend and partner, refused to coddle his children, listened to his intuition, was driven and prolific, strived to face his fears and overcome them.

    He learned not to take himself too seriously, was gracious even when people underestimated him, brought a community together, and handled pressure with resilience and calm. He let his actions speak.

    Find me a better role model.

  7. Samwie Gamgee AND Frodo Baggins.

    They represent ‘ordinary folk’ standing up for good. You don’t always have to be an orc-slaying warlord.

  8. Maximus Meridius. I mean…we will never be a champion gladiator and beloved Roman general, but he is the most honorable character I can think of.

    Strong, virile, family man, loved by his men, respectful. Dudes an all around stud without ever overcompensating or being arrogant.

  9. If you’re trying to win over a woman, find a character written by a woman. We know what we want and some of the best male characters come from female writers.

  10. Man it’s gonna sound cheesy as fuck but. Noble 6 from halo reach kinda stuck to me. The dude did what was right all the way to the end. Even when he knew it was the end. The dude was never mentioned again. Everyone looks at the chief like he’s the goat. Fucking Noble 6 and crew made him possible. I think of it as when do you shit right people wont know you done anything at all. People only focus on the negative. This dude was a G.

  11. Cliff Booth from Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.

    Loves his dog, loyal to his friends, pussy magnet, could kill you with a spoon.

  12. So many people have put Captain Picard and they are absolutely correct but I will also put two other Star Trek captains, Kirk and Sisko.

    Kirk’s leadership in the original series is great. He listens to his crew – all of his crew but especially getting two very disparate viewpoints from Spock and McCoy – and makes an informed decision. He can admit fault, he makes mistakes but learns from them and is (usually) firm but fair. Despite his modern pop-culture image of being an outer space horndog he is polite to the ladies and is not a womanizer (on the occasions he is seen kissing women is usually because he under alien influence, because he needs to persuade her to help him, to get out of a sticky situation, or as part of a scheme, etc. He has only had a couple of genuine romantic interludes and has never been depicted using women solely for his own physical pleasure except *maybe* that one time he was condemned to death on that stupid Roman planet and given a slave girl the night before the execution and probably figured “why not.”).

    Sisko is a little problematic because of some of the decisions he made during the run of DS9 (murdered Romulan senator anyone?) but he’s still overall a good male figure. He is moral enough to realize that some of what he is doing is problematic and to be tormented by it, but bases his decisions on what is good for the greater whole. He is a good friend, and a good dad to his son. He’s good at being diplomatic and making the most of a shitty situation (being posted to Bajor in the first place). And he punches Q in the face. Picard never did that.

  13. CT-5555. Better known as Fives.
    Echo’s a good one too.
    And Captain Rex.
    Sgt. Johnson’s not a bad option either.

  14. Terry crews from Brooklyn 99. Incredibly wholesome. Has his flaws and loves love.

  15. Peter Parker. He is very human and makes mistakes, he has emotions and baggage like all of us. But he always tries to do his best and be empathetic towards his enemies, even if sometimes his dark emotions get the best of him. In the end he only wants to do what is right.

  16. Faramir, Aragorn, Samwise, Beren, Bilbo, Tom Bombadill, Aüle, Celebrimbor, Theoden (LOTR); Ned Stark (GOT), Captain America, Spiderman, Batman (comics), Aslan, King Caspian X, King Frank the first King of Narnia, King Lune of Archenland (Narnia), Rhys the wizard (Two Princesses of Bamarre), Chief Petty Officer Mendez (Halo), Altair (Assassin’s Creed), Jeralt (Fire Emblem 3 houses), Luke Skywalker, Qui-gon Jinn, Marek Stele, Jag Fel, Thrawn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, (Star Wars) Aang, Tenzin, Zuko, Iroh, Sokka (ATLA). I believe all these characters have great qualities for men to emulate mostly wisdom and courage to fight when necessary as warriors. Some are charming and have a humble simplicity which I think is necessary for men to have stronger self confidence and to be more at ease in their lives. Several are students, craftsmen or scholars to some extent as we should strive to learn and understand more.

  17. Ralph from wreck it Ralph
    I am bad and that’s good. I will never be good and that’s not bad. There is no one I would rather be than me.
    Last line is by far the most important.
    Too many people get wrapped up in other peoples lives wether it be on social media or on the news or tabloids and that is emotional damaging. Life is day by day. Only seeing extremes good or bad. People with the prettiest smiles do the ugliest things. And the hunchback of notre dame saves Esmeralda. Crazy

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