I was wondering if I could get some advice on a potential relationship/long term partner. So around May of this year I met someone for the first time irl (they’re a friend of a friend). After hanging out 2x in person with a mutual friend group, they texted me and we immediately had a spark through our conversations. It was really easy to keep our conversation going. I started to realize that this person also had a lot of common interests, similar sense of humor, but the issue was that they live 4 hours away from where I live. Since May, I’ve continued to talk to this person and we talk everyday. They’re always very understanding, funny, and kind to me. I’ve heard good things about this person from our mutual friends too. It’s been about 5 years since I’ve dated anyone or even considered dating anyone because I got really hurt by my last long-term relationship. I realized I’m afraid of commitment because I’m afraid of getting hurt again and losing my mutual friends. I’ve gotten used to being single/alone for the past 5 years so the idea of dating is almost foreign to me now too. Fast forward to today, I am slowly starting to think about the downsides of dating again. Even though I am very very emotionally compatible with this person, I am having a lot of doubts about it working out in the long run.

So my concerns are:

-We live 4 hours apart

-In the next 3-4 years I want to live outside of the US and they have told me that they don’t think they would do that in the future.

-I’m afraid of getting hurt and loosing my best friends and people within the friend group.

-I’m not in the right mindset to date right now. I am already getting mentally exhausted from talking to this person everyday and I feel obligated to keep our conversation going. (We don’t have arguments or anything, I just get drained very easily)I’m debating about whether or not I should just tell this person that we should be friends or if I should continue talking to them and see if my feelings change in the next month. This person is interested in me and confessed their feelings to me about 2 months ago. They reassured me that there’s no pressure and they would still like to take me out on a date if I want to go on one in the future.

Any advice or has anyone ever been in a similar situation? If you were in this position, would you consider pursuing this person or should I be upfront about my doubts right now and tell them worried about the idea of dating?

TLDR: I’m not sure if I should date this person mainly because I’m not emotionally ready yet (have not dated anyone in 5 years because I was really hurt by my last relationship). I have a LOT in common with this person and we can talk comfortably with each other, but they live 4 hours away.

  1. Take things slow. You said it yourself, your not emotionally ready. Listen to your heart. Your still recovering from a broken heart. I would continue to focus on your healing journey before you jump into anything serious. Wishing you the best 🍀

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