I’m getting sick of my husband’s anger issues. I’m sick of how every little thing upsets him. The dog starts to bark, he gets anger. When he cooks and it doesn’t go right, he’s angry. It’s starting to drain me. I feel like no matter what I do, he’s just going to get angry. I just expect it now when something happens. He’s going to therapy, but he has only gone to three sessions and I’m starting to think he’s not going anymore. I told him if he stooped going and he didn’t get better with his anger I would leave him. I just can’t do it anymore. Im stating to not love him anymore. He’s no longer my husband, he’s just a roommate that I no longer want to be intimate with. We have a one year old son and I don’t want him to end up being angry like him. My husband is not abusive and has not hurt my son nor I. He’s great dad. He plays with him, he cooks, cleans, he’s handy, but his anger is to much for me to take. I guess I got to start planning on leaving him. I should also add that he has tired to message people in our area on Reddit about hooking up or when he’s away for work for two days. Multiple times. I think I’m just done. It’s not worth saving and I’m not going to let my son grow up around it.

  1. I’m so sorry you are going through this. You don’t deserve this. No one does. You are important and so is your son. If the situation isn’t healthy leave. It’s easier said that done of course. But I hope you find peace and happiness

  2. Yeah. Exact same boat here, but he doesn’t believe in therapy. It’s exhausting. And it’s been 18 years!!! Nothings going to change and I know it. Sigh

  3. I too get thin skinned with anger but try to appreciate the good things. I feel blessed with my situation but always haters will point it out. She gets credit and that is why they point it out. At the same time, I worry for her. She is not apparent with me about love. I withdrawal each time I perceive negative consequence intentionally imposed. Clearly, my parental function retaliates shutting me down more and more. So, Nikki Blomquist, I will always love you. Thank you for being the mother to some of my children.

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