This guy confuses me. He acts super interested sometimes but other times I can’t tell. There have been a few times he acts upset if I do not text him back right away. He acts passive aggressive and say things like “sorry ill stop bugging you” “night” or just a sad face emoji. He does this when I take a few hours to respond. He will text me multiple times or call me if I do not respond, but then when I do text him back he takes forever to text me back… I never double text him or act upset when he does not respond all day. I give him the same energy he gives me. Its so annoying. I do like him though. I am a very busy person, so I don’t always want to be texting all day. Last night I called him after being out with a coworker since I hadn’t got back to him all evening and he had sent some of those passive aggressive texts and I told him I thought was he mad with me. He said no, I feel like he was. IDK if this guy actually likes me. I also am not interested in anything super serious with him.. so do not worry guys. Anyways I guess I just what you guys think he is doing? Is he not interested or is he just insecure.

  1. I think you can politely explain you have a life outside of him, seeing as he’s not even your partner that’s a normal expectation, and you’ll respond when you have the chance.

    Don’t try to match his or anyone’s energy, be true to your own. If he can’t respect that and continues to do this childish nonsense, perhaps it’s not worth the effort

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