Hi everybody, im almost 30 and saw how toxic my family is. A little background, mother died when i was younger and i moved with my grandmother, on moms side, across the country, about a 13 hour drive. Step dad and 3 brothers stayed where we grew up. Fast forward to thanksgiving 2021 and im really seeing how toxic my family is. Dad and my youngest brother get into a full blown fist fight in the yard thanksgiving morning. Fast forward to this week and i just moved back cause my grandmother on moms side moved back and im wanting to be closer to my family here. Im staying at grandmas on dads side and not even 3 days here things got bad. dad comes outside and smacks my brothers gf and throws food at her, all for no reason. Hell breaks loose with everyone yelling in each others face, pushing, and shoving. Grandma leaves as she just got out of the hospital that morning, dad ends up leaving and things calmed down. i stayed to give my brother a ride to work in the morning. A couple hrs go by, and my brother and his gf get into a fight kicking and hitting each other, knocking stuff over, i just grab my stuff and leave. One of my brothers told me its a normal thing.. I’ve been here a week and am considering moving back to where i just moved from. I call one of my friends and hes got a room for me to stay. The only blood i keep in contact with here is my grandmother on my moms side and brothers, but all everyone does on my brothers side is fight. I have friends back where i moved from who are like a family and im considering movibg back. I also have recently been working on a relationship with my biological dad and he lives 5 hrs from where i moved from.

  1. Run. The blood of the Covenant is thicker than water of the womb. As someone who has a wonderful chosen family, an amazing therapist and a sponsor (& has distanced themselves from toxic family) I’ll tell you noone changes unless they want to change.

  2. This isn’t normal. I would leave, because I could deal with that. Why are they so aggressive?

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