Started talking to a girl about 3 weeks ago. right from the get go we had a lot in common after we matched on tinder, we were both asking questions and giving well thought out and engaging awnsers.

We end up exchanging snapchat usernames after a couple days of messaging back and forth on the app, things were still going great at this point.

With my current work situation it has made it hard for me to meet up with people, about 2 weeks in i straight up tell her i want to meet in person i just cant right now and wanted to nearing the end of September, She seemed really excited about it. now a week after that i seem to be getting the cold shoulder whenever i message her asking her how her day was or just trying to start conversation(for a little more context i dont think i messaged her too much, every 2nd day or so and was never responding immediately as i was busy with work, gave her compliments that weren’t just talking about her appearance)

Im just left not knowing what did wrong, said wrong or if i even did anything wrong. Do i still ask her if she is still down to hangout a couple days before we originally planned? Im just lost.

  1. Unfortunately things like this are pretty time sensitive. Might’ve missed your window. I don’t have too much online dating experience, but 2 weeks is way too long. Want to meet her in person within a week of exchanging numbers I’d say. Regardless, see if she’s still down to see you. If not, just gotta take the L and move on

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