I’ve never been a texting person. I hate texting and chit-chatting. For me it is a waste of time. I only use texting to set up the next date.

I show my interest in a girl by inviting her out, planning the date and having a good time with her on a date.

The problem is that last 3 girls said that I wasn’t texting them as they would like me to do and not showing enough interest through texting? I think that is just an excuse.

Interested in what other people think.

  1. It’s subjective, if it’s important to someone then it is, so ultimately it’s best to find someone with your communication style. Many people love texting, and if that’s their preference then that’s their right, many people find it not necessary, and that’s ok too. Only an issue when there’s an opposing style, and everyone is entitled to decide if they want to proceed…or not

  2. I (21f) literally love texting. I want to talk to you all day. I wanna know you’re thinking about me all the time & I am worth your time.

    With that being said, that can be exchanged for Facetimes or phone calls. Its more about the effort of wanting to stay in contact & not feeling left out to dry personally.

  3. Texting (instant messaging) has become a popular, convenient method of communication. It’s how most people operate nowadays – including dating

    I appreciate not everybody has the time & energy to have conversations via text. But some form of communication is required via it – especially to let them know if you’re busy, plans for the evening, etc.

    When I was dating, I also disliked texting. So I used to make it clear that small talk over texting doesn’t work for me. Instead, I can give you an hour or so on the phone in the evening, whereby we can get to know each other alot quicker and better.

    An alternative to texting needs to be provided for them.

  4. I’m not a texter either. I use it to make plans, check on people and occasionally send memes. I’m much more social in person lol. It pisses people off big time even though I consistently tell them to call or meet up because I’ll probably not respond to text.

    Then they start acting different and it rubs me the wrong way. Like, you know that I’m like this?? Call, meet in person or don’t talk to me because I’m not compatible with you.

  5. You aren’t considering what might make a woman excited and interested in the dating process. Just because you like the activities associated with dating doesn’t mean that’s all there is to it.

    Texting and chatting is a way to know someone more deeply. It’s a way to show that you are thinking of them. It’s a way to show that you miss them when you are apart.

    Unless you date a woman with the same dating needs as you then you’ll run into this issue again and again.

  6. Most women like texting. It makes them think that the other person thinks about them or misses them. You may need to find women that are on par with your communication style otherwise it will be a compatibility issue

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