I am a 25 years old male, and i never had a girlfriend, or any kind of sex. So i have 2 questions 1 Am i the only one here who never had sex ? and is it normal, or not. ? My second question is a bit more longer but i would like to be in a relationship with someone I can trust and love, but i might need some advice. I know it’s a group about sex and everything around it, but if some of you could help me out it would be really nice. So thank you in advance and i hope my post doesn’t get erased.

  1. There are comments and posts from virgins here every day, so obviously there’s tons of virgins around. I wouldn’t say it’s abnormal at all. Last stats I saw said young men and women are having less sex. Could be linked to Covid, I’m not sure.

    What advice do you need about relationships?

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