What is a show, movie, or game where fans claim the ratings are bad because of trolls, when in reality it’s just not very good?

  1. The last of us 2.

    Within the first 5 minutes they kill off Joel, the protagonist of the first game by having a random woman (Abby) smash his brains out with a golf club slowly while his adopted daughter (Ellie) watches.

    Then they make you play as that random woman (Abby) for 25 hours and try to make you feel sorry for her by making her seem like the good guy who plays with dogs and saves trans kids by betraying and killing her own clan/family.

    Then you play as Ellie, Joel’s adopted daughter who’s seeking revenge (obviously). So you kill HUNDREDS of people, mercilessly, brutally to find Abby.

    HOWEVER when you eventually find her, Ellie has a flashback, and decides to spare her.

    The end.

    It’s just a poorly written cluster fuck of a revenge story with the least satisfying ending known to man. But if you hate on it the fans call you a homophobic, racist bigot who deserves death. (Even the developers said those who hate it are dumb)

  2. the room. this movie isn’t “so bad it’s good again”. it’s just absolute, utter shit with zero redeeming qualities.

    world of warcraft. it used to be amazing. so many people say “wow is still good, it’s just popular to hate on it.”

    errrm, no. wow is a heap of hot garbage these days.

  3. Kenobi, Ms. Marvel, She Hulk etc. It just seems like the people who are against the hate for those shows are more hostile than the actual toxic trolls. It works against the show because it makes things unwelcoming to new fans. Most people can deal with the overzealous superfans, the people who think their cause is righteous and lash out at innocent are another matter. Nobody likes having to walk on eggshells just for a basic or chill fan community experience.

  4. Ghostbusters with Melissa McCarthy… Its just not good… People say it’s because of “The Patriarchy” but it was really just not good. Nobody can tell me what that movie was trying to be.

    Was it supposed to be serious?

    Was it supposed to be slapstick comedy?

    Was it supposed to compliment a classic?

    It was a mess and the answer to all of the above that I felt was most accurate is: “They tried for everything and failed horribly”. It was just written so poorly.

    A lot of people said it was to bring light to female actresses and not to have “the male gaze” involved, but didn’t stop to actually watch it… It’s sub-par in every respect and just plain sloppy directing.

    Before I get hate about not understanding women’s POV in terms of acting or directing, just know that Birds of Prey was hilarious, serious, and complimented the DC universe in ways that the original Suicide Squad movie only wished it could. Birds of Prey was well made… Ghostbusters 2016 was a dumpsterfire.

  5. Go to Rottentomatoes. Find the stuff where “official reviews” are very high, while “normal people reviews” are very low.

    You found them.

  6. Any television show that proselytizes the right social message is by definnition a good show. Any bad reviews are therefore trolls.

    So, really, this question is redundant. There are no examples, because of the above reasoning.

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